Lee Chong Wei ( 李宗伟 )

Discussion in 'Malaysia Professional Players' started by tbleong, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Recently lcw said he is not naming match fixers after TH shamed them.

    Ethics?? Shd match fixers be exposed or let them continue to do it? ;)
  2. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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  3. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    I think BAM is very corrupt in itself for not investigating. The whole team including the exco are all corrupt. Very sad case. Even if they investigate, these corrupted devils will not go to jail.

    I think some of the corrupted also passed away ady but the corruption legacy still lives on today.. It started in 80s during Liem Swee King days vs misbun.

    LCW also dare not help the nation to clean them up. What hope is there? Biasa lah attitude.

    The best is let Taufik name them. I am sure other nations like Denmark players was also in similar case like taufik. Those reading this must encourage taufik to name them. Or ask indonesian media to dig it out. Pay good money to taufik to expose them.

    Time to punish the culprit and clean up. Zul or Tan CS wld not be in this position if the corruption did not start earlier. BWF also must investigate. Very sad.
  4. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    If taufik expose them, lcw and kkk tbh will be shitting in their pants.

    Remember they lost in some big games?
  5. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    This is a very good writeup from our fellow forumer. Lets not forget this. Worth to keep this. Very good analysis. That 1% mental is missing. lol :) Dont hate. Analyze it.

    LCW is more than a sad case, he is a flop in general.

    The excuse of "having many good players during his time" does not apply at all. It IS TRUE during pre-Beijing 2008 Olympics. Once that was past, Lee Chong Wei is technically an accomplished player with VERY few opponents able to beat him. Closer to 2011, he was literally unbeatable because his game was truly COMPLETE (no arguments/debates)

    He failed himself generally by always losing at the wrong moment. Let's not just focus on Lin Dan and Olympics. Even in all World Championship events, he has been a true FLOP.

    2007 - Lost to Sony, he cited pressure and scapegoated Yap Kim Hock for pressuring him. I mean bruv....you could manage to win multiple Malaysia Opens but not only world title event? Jeezzz

    2009 - LOST TO SONY AGAIN!!!

    2010 - LOST TO TAUFIK...he has been beating Taufik left right and centre in other events while to lose this once.

    2011 - Lost to Lin Dan in a titanic battle by a point in London, unforgettable match. This match clearly proves Lee Chong Wei does not have the mental strength to win anything big

    2013 - Lost to Lin Dan again, this time it's the fault of the air con ?

    2014 - Lost to Chen Long ...serious ?

    2015 - Lost to Chen Long again!!!! WTF two years in a row!!!

    There you go, putting all these WC results together show LCW is a Big Flop no matter how the format changes. Even if WC is held semi-annually, I bet he still wont be able to win it.

    Everyone is affected by Covid 19 and whoever wins, wins and Loh Kean Yew did well to stand out and handle the big event well. Let's not brush aside Srikanth. His drops and smashes ARE DEADLY! Had he not made stupid mistakes, it could have been a three game thriller.

    As this stands, Loh Kean Yew is technically not as a good as LCW but at least LKY has achieved something Lee Chong Wei will never achieved and allegedly Lee ZiiJia wont be capable of doing so too. Something is very wrong with the Malaysian badminton players' mentality, attitude and character in general.
    livewire and Yeung Chao like this.
  6. Kikuhito Senshi

    Kikuhito Senshi Regular Member

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  7. WhiteStringJunkie

    WhiteStringJunkie Regular Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    Yeah this should be done to avoid seeing BS, which is the lengthy post above.

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  8. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

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    Maybe I shd have written an analysis on lindan much earlier. Then lcw could have won a major. I just wrote one on Viktor and Momota. Oh, he doesnt read much English anyway. lol ;)
    #14428 extremenanopowe, Dec 21, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
  9. Kikuhito Senshi

    Kikuhito Senshi Regular Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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    The guy is clearly trolling and desperate to provoke a reaction. Sad.
    Shamwow, Woesi and WhiteStringJunkie like this.
  10. Yeung Chao

    Yeung Chao Regular Member

    Oct 2, 2021
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    So I am trolling when I am presenting the real historical and chronological facts of how Lee Chong Wei perform in all his World Championship performance since 2007 ? Wow the hardcore fans do never cease to make me laugh.

    People like to talk about his Olympic runs and how close he is to the gold but nobody actually talks about how is he is nothing short but a disappointment when it comes to World Championship.

    Sure appreciate him for delivering the three Olympic Silver medals and multiple Super Series titles for the joy of hardcore fans. But sorry after seeing what Loh Kean Yew had achieved today had prompted me to pull up and discuss Lee Chong Wei's performance in WC since 2007 till 2014. It is extremely disappointing especially even with the World Championship held annually, he still fails to win it even ONCE.

    [EDIT] Even Chen Jin could win it despite him being the most undeserved one of all winners in all editions...what's your excuse?

    I dare say had VAR been introduced in 2010 during the All England showdown between LCW and Kenichi Tago. Had that wrong call been corrected, how much that correction would have changed the whole scenario leading up to today? Lee Chong Wei might not win any All England titles due to mental blockage and Kenichi Tago would be on title winning spree since.
    #14430 Yeung Chao, Dec 21, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    livewire and extremenanopowe like this.
  11. Kikuhito Senshi

    Kikuhito Senshi Regular Member

    Sep 23, 2007
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  12. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    He needs that 1% mental. No luck. ;) zLYB beats his legs. Remember? Lol
  13. Makkem_1

    Makkem_1 Regular Member

    Dec 11, 2006
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    The long post should get an ignore, but honestly:
    LCW got so much hate from so-called 'fans' and journalists and a fair bit of racism as well it has to be said.
    Not to mention being held to a far higher standard than other Malaysian players.
    i.e. play injured or you're not trying hard enough to go to the All-England.(which meant he often did play injured, including an entire All England where by the time he reached the final he was held together by sheer willpower and kinesio tape.)
    Meanwhile lazy players like Hafiz got indulged.
    Being pressured with being dropped for not being the world no.1 at a point where he was beating everyone but Lin Dan?
    The man had to be taken to hospital after the WC final.
    He cared too much. He let other people burden him. He tried to win every single game every tournament. Over-trained at times. And that created pressure and fatigue.
    Whereas Lin Dan just played for himself. And often just didn't feel like it if the match wasn't important. Didn't care about being no.1 as long as he won majors. Saved his big effort for the majors.
    And yes, sometimes the pressure got to LCW. He lost to Brice Leverdez in the Worlds, a guy who'd normally get about 21-10,21-10 thrashing off LCW. Losing to a guy like that he almost quit. Doubted himself. But he had the character to try again.
    Nobody holds it against LD who lost to just about everybody when he didn't feel like it, and lost to Simon Santoso in the first round of the Olympics.
    LCW was an absolute warrior, and is an incredible human being. He leaves an incredible legacy of the Olympic spirit for his sons and an example to any aspiring player. Its more incredible that he never stopped trying after falling at the final hurdle. Its a battle with himself, as much as with his opponents.

    If - by Rudyard Kipling

    If you can keep your head when all about you
    Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
    If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
    But make allowance for their doubting too;
    If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
    Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
    Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,
    And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

    If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;
    If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;
    If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
    And treat those two impostors just the same;
    If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken
    Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
    Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
    And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

    If you can make one heap of all your winnings
    And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
    And lose, and start again at your beginnings
    And never breathe a word about your loss;
    If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
    To serve your turn long after they are gone,
    And so hold on when there is nothing in you
    Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

    If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
    Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,
    If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
    If all men count with you, but none too much;
    If you can fill the unforgiving minute
    With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,
    Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,
    And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

    P.S: As far as big-time successes. He did win the All-England many times after painful 'chokes' against Chen Yu and Chen Jin. Many times. And gave Lin Dan a complete hiding in one of those matches. And players want desperately to win the All-England, its a career-defining thing as much as Olympic gold. Who's to say what would have happened had LCW won one of those worlds? If he'd got that one point in the final? if he'd got a little bit luckier in London Olympics?
    #14433 Makkem_1, Dec 29, 2021
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2021
    Cheung, Lucan, Tec07 and 2 others like this.
  14. WhiteStringJunkie

    WhiteStringJunkie Regular Member

    Apr 7, 2019
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    I wish I have at least 1/10th of his tremendous spirit of not giving up whenever the odds are stacked against me repeatedly, on whatever kinds of predicament that life has in store for me.

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  15. Yeung Chao

    Yeung Chao Regular Member

    Oct 2, 2021
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    Look man, nobody is questioning Lee Chong Wei's ability, technical skills and endurance. He has the character to keep trying that help him keep a long career.

    What fans should painfully accept as the truth is his inability to think/plan properly to win the ones that matter the most. Whether you like or it, people who actually see will know this will always his main source of failure. The historical timeline I posted validate this. Posting factual timeline is not trolling. You see what you want to see.

    As a player, you play to win yes regardless of any tournament but you have to think more than a player.
    Yes sure, Roger Federer does not care about winning titles for Switzerland, he wins for himself. Winning Grand Slam multiple times matter and earning the biggest money pot. To him, winning the Davis Cup/Olympic Gold is secondary and not so important.

    What does Lee Chong Wei truly want in life ? He obviously wants to be the best but this kind of thinking is not so simple as that. To be the best, you can't just simply win quantity of titles, you need to FOCUS and TARGET on the main objectives.

    Lin Dan's goal is very similar to Lee Chong Wei but there's a big difference. He is brought up differently because in China, you are taught to think about the state first, your personal ambition second. Lin Dan knows that no matter how successful you are as an individual, the state made it very clear if you mess up in the Olympics/Thomas/Uber/Sudirman/Asian Games, you are done out of here. A badminton player has limited years to play. You have to be exceptional to play top singles after 30s but in the 20s you have to make it count. This is where game planning and mind games happen with Lin Dan and I have some opinion about this too.

    Let's talk about Lin Dan for a sec. People will notice that Lin Dan has been "hiding" during the Olympic years - 2008 and 2012, keeping an extremely low profile. When I say hiding - he plays few tournaments and do not get into spotlight. That is very apparent in 2008 where he played only in Thailand Open as a final warmup while in 2012, he did play a bit more. You have only one chance every four years and naturally some ppl will do whatever it takes to make it count.

    Let's all recall what happen to Lee Chong Wei during the 2012 - Few months running into the Olympics, he injured himself playing in the Thomas Cup and again injured himself in the All England tournament ( note that this injury was picked up during his game against Lee Hyun-Il, not against Lin Dan...it got worse during the final).

    Now I am wondering "what are you doing...haven't you learnt your lesson from the London 2011 where you were winning so many times only to fail to win just one big title at the end". Why can't you re-adjust the game plan and start playing psychological warfare against Lin Dan and Chen Long? You are a world No.1. People are onto you, studying your game and trying to beat you when time comes.

    Even in the next few years he still repeat the same "mistake". You all want to call it "unlucky" or "tak ada rezeki" in Malay term but these are nonsensical excuse. If BAM people keep thinking like this, labelling the outcome as "unlucky or takada rezeki" instead of doing proper postmorterm. The same history will be repeated.

    Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
    extremenanopowe and Loh like this.
  16. Yeung Chao

    Yeung Chao Regular Member

    Oct 2, 2021
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    All England is very prestigious tournament yes sure but in terms of impact it has on national pride compared to the World Champ/Olympic is miniscule.
    Malaysia has a rich history of winning multiple All England titles. I acknowledge that.
    But it takes one world title from Loh Kean Kew to completely put Malaysia beneath Singapore in terms of big title achievements.
    ccmak, Cheung and Loh like this.
  17. vozer here

    vozer here Regular Member

    May 4, 2017
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    2014 and later on was old lcw. Lost to lin is acceptable. So at his prime 2007-2013, he choke 3/7 major
  18. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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  19. samkool

    samkool Regular Member

    Oct 31, 2004
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    too pre-occupied to work
    the next world tour tournament
    malaysia is the last place lcw should coach. the players don't have the work ethic and the bam politics are toxic. nobody can succeed in the current bam environment.
  20. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    He should come to a place like Hong Kong. There’s not much to go down from in results and any success will be attributed to him.

    Just like when Peter Gade went to coach France - no expectations.

    In Malaysia, he will be shot down when results are the same.

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