Many people notice such interesting "unique" behavior of LCW amongst the top players but not dare to point it out here in BC... coz u know... hehehe... It's Boleh-Central here... . hehe...
IMO, LCW after 2008 is in some way quite similar to LD after 2004: eager to win more to compensate the failure to take Gold medal at OG, or to prove in another way for same purpose... I felt that LCW change in may ways after 2008, apart from what u mentioned, he also improved a lot in technique. He became more speedy, powerful and invincible for all players other than LD... From this perspective, LCW must thank LD. Yet, as said by other BCers, LD should also thank LCW for keeping to be the closest and the only real consistent challenger, that also pushes LD to evolve in order to keep himself ahead of LCW on court. However, every sensible man knowing badminton would know who's better from badminton point of view. So congratulations to LD!
Each and everyone of them has a 'unique' behavior and there is nothing wrong in pointing it out It's the way bc members point it out lol Starting lcw with his non apologetic behavior, probably he feels it is normal or maybe he wants to show ld he is the 'man' Either way it's not that bad, eh? And with ld's recent blowing of his nose here and there and in front of the camera? Though its a bit indiscipline, its not so much of a big deal, is it? Some may not agree and suggested he should get time off for that otherwise he is spreading germs all over the court Now I am beginning to think maybe these members are correct, it could have been those germs that caused lcw that match : D
Both appear to be not nice but we should see it from the basics. Gesture of apology for lucky shots is a recognized badminton game manner (u could call it hypocrisy, like it or not). As a world class player "known for good manner", it's normal people would expect him to do so as all top players do, otherwise would by seen as anti-social... LD was having flu during KO (according to commentators during KO broadcasting, I cannot prove anyway ). If this is true, he must be suffering blocking noses during the matches. The umpire did not allow him to stop so frequently to wipe nicely during the competition. What should he do? Having nose blocking to loss if not death? Or WO? (therefore I agree what you said, it might be LD's germs caused LCW the match, LCW should consider to appeal on this basis... ) I m sure his sponsors would also don't like see his nose-blowing in front of the camera, neither did LD himself as this would be undesirable to his commercial advertising image! LD must be losing money therefore...
Hahaha, no such thing as dont dare, you all constantly critise & nitpick at LCW, from the food poisoning case to TC, to press intv, etc. More so than the so called boleh fans, but if we comment little wee bit abt LD/China players, wow, jump with intensity like from high mountain, lol. Even certain well informed INA fans are not spared.
Yes, Lin Dan had a cold and he was damn smart about it I don't think the umpire would allow him too many time off for that As a matter of fact the umpire didn't mind either, those sticky yellowish slimery leftover by Lin Dan on the floor What about some of his fans? I don't hear complain so I suppose they love it
It's BolehCentral here . So surprised that BadmintonCentral is now known as BolehCentral. Is this criticising BadmintonCentral or what? .
Kindly refer to 3rd game 11 pts interval... LCW asked for a change of shuttle but LD refused, and right before LD serves, LD apologized. Isn't this more hypocritical? and btw LD changed shuttle after that point. Also, there is reason why LCW won't apologize to LD every time he got a lucky shot, because he is quite fed up with LD hypocritical behavior. LCW did apologize to other players when he got lucky. He is not cocky.
Both LD and LCW are not cocky . IMHO, both LD and LCW are not cocky. Only opposite fans of their idols are bashing each other here, at BadmintonCentral. .
In the star 6th feb "I won the 100th edition of the All-England last year and it is ....."(LCW). the '100th'.(the mother of all All-Englands).
LCW has now changed his court behavior when playing against LD. He is trying to use more mind games to rattle and antagonize LD, as shown in the Asian Games and the Korean SS. This even extends outside the court as shown by the unfriendly comments from LCW, with some support from his good friend TH, about LD missing the Malaysian SS. This is perfectly acceptable. However, it is unfortunate it does not work against LD. Perhaps, LCW may want to do something more unpredictable to give him an edge over LD. MS is a past master in this and he may want to come up with something that will really rattle LD the next time.
Or could it be TH and LCW simply speak their minds out about the fact that LD w/o in certain tournaments and did not cunningly twist their words. It goes the same on LCW so called unfriendly comments. It could be you (us BCers) that read too much on it.
There are other players in the circuit who did not voice the LCW/TH 'orchestrated' comments about LD. Apparently, the fact that it was a Malaysian doctor who examined LD did not prevent comments from LCW/TH. Maybe, they jumped the gun with their comments before bothering to find out who gave LD the clearance to not play based on medical grounds.
it was so obvious dat super dan was having a flu. a few times u can see him blowing his nose. and juz bcos he is super dan doesn't mean he is superman. sometimes he succumb to sickness and injuries too.
It is one thing to employ 'mind' games during a match, which is part of the overall game plan of a game and therefore acceptable, but it is not nice to do it outside the court. Using the press to express their comments and then having the cheek to suggest to the BWF to investigate LD's withdrawal is hitting below the belt. It is tasteless.