2 knots or 4 knots?

Discussion in 'Badminton Stringing Techniques & Tools' started by extremenanopowe, Mar 4, 2022.

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  1. Dekkert

    Dekkert Regular Member

    Jul 18, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Come on, man. Master Sifu and the best chief coach there is. That's all I need to know for creditation! This looks like the 'end all be all' of badminton stringing instructions. I wish he made this video some 10 years earlier. I wouldn't have to go through the hundreds of pages on this forum to learn about stringing. And in hindsight it was all for nothing, as none of y'all told we should string like this!
    s_mair, speCulatius and kakinami like this.
  2. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    Guys, have to give the guy some credit. did all those short cuts and did a incredible time of 27min string job.

    I remember @kakinami did he darnest best to not do any shortcuts and only managed 14mins. He was barely half as good as 27mins.
    speCulatius and kakinami like this.
  3. kakinami

    kakinami Regular Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    14 is not true, maybe it was just a little under 15 minutes. So the longer you spend on a racket is more quality time? I should spend more time on rackets then try to string them just under 30 minutes to give a more quality string job instead of efficient and quality. BTW someone told me he is in Singapore and is helping people train people who want jobs at Olympics in 2024. I should try to get some training, my last Olympics was 12 years ago!!

    Sent from my LG-US998 using Tapatalk
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  4. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Chief Coach. The best and still active.
    www.extreme-power.org or xtremexn.blogspot.com
    To be frank, there is no 1 standard way of stringing. Different strokes for different folks. As long as the quality of stringing is good. Some are jealous already trying to be little people. I understand your ego mate. lol

    An analogy is you drive a car from A to B. There are different cars, using different petrols, different drivers, different routes. Car manufacturer (stringing machines) have their recommendations (biased or trying to create a niche). Left or righthand drive. So many variables and approaches. Up to you if you want to follow the recommendations.

    In a tournament, there are about 500 rackets to string, u got time for 4 knots? Wake up dude.

    Fyi, old days in early 80s ZJH days, some pro players prefer less strings at the bottom end. For better repulsion. I am a pro player (ex).

    Until you hit 20 years of stringing at least or play at pro level, then come talk to me. I can use a lousy but reasonably strung racket to still beat u in a game. lol

    Some just hates the reality and call others troll. ;) Sad case. This guy is GWS bro, he is no longer a pro? He is a Olympic silver medalist for god sake. TBH is AE champ. Give some respects. Be kind and change your mentality.

    You have a more expensive machine doesnt mean you are right. There is always a better machine and so called arrogant stringer in future. All are just feeding their ego to protect or justify their existence to string 4 knots. ;)

    Use your experience to manage the tension needed as long as they are consistent.

    The guide now is 24lbs for beginners, 26lbs for intermediates and 28 for advance players. For pros, their hand is much stronger, 30lbs above. Go suck it up. How much diff can they be?

    In 80s, you minus 2lbs above, because of the quality of the materials used for the strings or rackets.Time changed. Even fake rackets can take in 30lbs easily now.

    In a 2 knots string snapped situation, if it breaks at the 4 corners or junctions, its safer. Vertical and horizontal can escape frame cracks. 4 knots cant. Only applies to high tension rackets. ;). Lower tension rackets wont breaks unless stringing is uneven.

    Speed of stringing is minor. 15 to 20 mins average. ;)

    @Cheung @kwun shd pin this up to resolve the mysteries once and for all. Since the pros already said so and you still want to listen to a non pro saying 4 knots is better? Camon. lol ;)

    You haters are jokers. lol

    Fyi, I learned stringing from great grand sifus from Jakarta and Malaysia who strung for tournaments. ;)

    #24 extremenanopowe, Mar 6, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2022
    kakinami likes this.
  5. kakinami

    kakinami Regular Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Not sure who is hatin' we are trying to see your point of views of stringing. You want to bring up TBH? You want to throw names. Good for you. I agree different strokes for different folks, your way of stringing from left to right is not a cup of tea for maybe 90% of normal stringers, but if you want to steing like that more power to you. I might find it strange and others but I am not going to say you are wrong at what you are doing. I find it creative but strange, I wouldn't say it is bad. If anyone has an ego I might say it is you who cannot accept constructive criticism. If you want to critic my stringing I welcome it. I welcome it to everyone. If you think I am doing something wrong I want to correct it. I try my best not to throw out my credientals, like saying I have been stringing for 30 years and when you say if you have 20 years come back and talk.. What if I do have 26 years of stringing experience, strung at professional badminton and tennis tournaments, strung for Olympic gold medalists, strung at an Olympics 2 world championships, an All Englands, 12 years for the US Open badminton, Pan American Games, Junior World Championships, who cares? I want to listen to all stringers see what they do and try not to give bad criticism. I watched your whole video. Most stringers wouldnt watch the whole thing.

    Sent from my LG-US998 using Tapatalk
    Dekkert, speCulatius and thyrif like this.
  6. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    I thought GVS said there was no big difference and it's the players' own feeling.
  7. s_mair

    s_mair Regular Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    That's what I didn't get in the first place. They specifically point out that it doesn't make a difference. At least in the english subtitle. So... huh?!

    Mods, can we close this thread? It has reached a cringe level that is most likely causing brain aneurisms.

    And to learn at least one thing from this bloodbath - I think this is the right point to introduce a German word that so far doesn't have an exact equivalent in English (I think): Fremdschämen.

    You're welcome.
  8. extremenanopowe

    extremenanopowe Regular Member

    Apr 22, 2005
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    Chief Coach. The best and still active.
    www.extreme-power.org or xtremexn.blogspot.com
    I got an idea now.

    I call this or my method below.

    Joe cool KISS methodology stringing.

    Since majority not using such style as you claimed. Ironically, I learned from the great grand sifus. lol ;)

    Learn my 2 knots KISS specialty below. ;)

  9. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    Oh. I didn’t read the subtitles but GVS said in mandarin there wasn’t much difference between 2 and 4 point in mandarin and it’s the players’ feeling.

    Then I got confused with the OP writing 4 point wasn’t good. Was the OP criticising GVS and TBH because the video doesn’t support what the OP wrote.
    kakinami and s_mair like this.
  10. kakinami

    kakinami Regular Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    It is difficult to see your string pattern. Your last video you were pulling 2 mains going left to right and then pulling 2 crosses at the same time? Out of curiosity why don't you pull each main and cross? I am not trying to troll you, I just want to understand your method of stringing and why you di qhat you do. Your comments are turned off so I cannot comment on your videos, if you want to see my videos I welcome any constructive criticism. That is how we as stringers learn from each other. If you want to say you have learned from a master stringer that is great. I wouldn't say I have learned from master stringers nut they are good in their own way, teaching without getting mad if someone says he maybe that is wrong. They can listen to what people say and take it into consideration. If you critic my stringing videos, I welcome any feedback you have. Anybody critic's my stringing , I want to hear what I can do to become a better stringer. My videos can leave comments so if you want to critic my stringing I welcome it!

    Sent from my LG-US998 using Tapatalk
    speCulatius likes this.
  11. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    what exactly did they say according to your interpretation?
    speCulatius likes this.
  12. Hoyas

    Hoyas Regular Member

    Aug 30, 2003
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    OP was calling out stringers and players who prefers 4 knots as stupid.
    #32 Hoyas, Mar 7, 2022
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2022
    kakinami likes this.
  13. Cheung

    Cheung Moderator

    Apr 25, 2002
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    wannabe badminton phototaker
    Outside the box
    Yeah. He’s calling players with the hardest smashes stupid?
    kakinami likes this.
  14. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    so the OP pull 2 strings in each pull, and then use flying clamps. pulling 2 strings loses around 3-4 lbs, and then flying clamp another 2 lbs. His idea of "I am a pro so I string 30lbs" doesn't hold a lot of weight... (pun intended?)
    kakinami likes this.
  15. s_mair

    s_mair Regular Member

    Oct 10, 2013
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    At least that explains why the tension on his own racket in his half gazillion coaching videos (that guy has over 35.000 videos online, I'm not kidding!) sounds like it's 17 lbs. max.

    And seriously.... what is this supposed to be?!

    Are people really paying money for THIS?
    thyrif and kakinami like this.
  16. Brunoille

    Brunoille Regular Member

    Jul 19, 2019
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    Estimated ping of the "30 lbs" : 1230 -1250 Hz. It's approximately what I measure on a 11.5 kg BG66UM 50 hours after stringing. I know that tension is relative to each stringer, but that's a big gap!
    speCulatius, kakinami and s_mair like this.
  17. akatsuki2104

    akatsuki2104 Regular Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    If that's his target tension, than he is doing fine :D
  18. kakinami

    kakinami Regular Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Lets break down everything. First off Most of these things in these threads are meant to help stringers, not to degrade them but 90% of everything here is meant to help stringers become better stringers. I will offer this apology in advance if I have offended you in any way. But if you make claims I would hope you can back them up with logic not because you have learned from a sifu

  19. kakinami

    kakinami Regular Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    You haters are jokers. lol
    I can agree I am a joker, hater, doubt it. I can watch your videos, read what you have to say and respect it. If you think I am a hater I feel sorry for you, I listen to other stringers and want to learn, I can read your opinion and let you have it. You don't respect my opinion, I think you got a little hate. I do like to joke though, I give you that.

    Fyi, I learned stringing from great grand sifus from Jakarta and Malaysia who strung for tournaments. ;)
    Does it matter who you learned from? I think the only thing that matters is that you believe you are a great grand sifu. Your background should be the only thing that matters, and that your opinions are appreciated by all stringers. If you feel hate upon yourself, who brought it? I can respect what you say and listen to your opinions. I saw some people get a little strong on you, saying your stringing video/thread should go into the collection of stringing horror. I disagree. You have your own method of stringing left to right where most stringers string from the middle out, but that is the way you string and I can respect that, I see people in India do that, I don't agree with it but they probably like yourself have people pay you to do it, so in my mind you are a professional.

    Why do you think you don't get as much respect as I do from most people? To be honest you don't have a reputation like most stringers in this forum. Most stringers listen to what other people say and don' brag about who they have learned from or what tournaments they have strung at, it is all a mutual respect. You don't respect others, they won't respect you, just a word of advice.

    Another thing if you think I am just an average stringer with no knowledge off stringing, I would agree with you. But most people don't. You want to brag you have 30 years of stringing experience, learned from master sifu's, I don't have to do that, and other stringers here don't do that either, we are all here to learn from each other. If you want my background just ask and I will give it to you, I am sure you won't be impressed, but I am also sure you have not done what I have done. I consider myself a VERY lucky person who wanted to improve my skills as a stringer. I listen to everyone, even you.
    Bottle. and speCulatius like this.
  20. kakinami

    kakinami Regular Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    Too technical for me!! <3
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