Yu Yang's performance on this Malaysia Open and Korea Open

Discussion in 'Malaysia Open / Korea Open 2011' started by 2cents, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. 2cents

    2cents Regular Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    Landlording, providing vacation homes at Disney wo
    Vacation Home @ Disney World
    In the just finished Malaysia open, Yu Yang, head coach LYB's prodigy, ended with nothing!

    In the current ongoing Korea SS, Yu Yang just suffered a humiliating loss yesterday.

    The Chinese female double player Yu, Yang was a reigning Olympics Gold medalist. Some one even claimed she would be the Gao Lin the 2nd. The head coach Li Yongbo said, Yu Yang is the most talented in both womens doubles and mixed doubles. China will build the best women double and mixed double around her. Now it's too early to tell whom we will going to send to London Olympics, but LYB said he's sure Yu Yang will be definetely there with her partners in women double and mixed double. The current job is to find the best partner for Yu Yang (in both WD and XD).

    Yu Yang paired with Du Jin before, but they lost to Wang Xiao Li/Zhao Yun Lei 3 times in the national competiton. And also in the internaitonal stage, Wang Xiaoli/Ma Jin had firmed grabbed the #1 position for a while. Therefore, under Yu Yang's request, Li YB picked the best other female double player Wang Xiao Li for Yu Yang, to form the best ever super female double. Wang Xiao Li was also requested to quit the mixed double to concentrate on playing womens double. But unfortunately, Yu Yang / Wang Xiao Li continuesly lost to Zhao Yunlei / Tian Qing, both of whom playing mixed double too.

    On the mixed double side, there is more story. Yu Yang had tried to play with Zheng Bo, He Hang Bin, but not much impressive achievement. Yu Yang complained that HHB was too weak in defense. So she picked Xu Chen, a dominant double player inside China, to play mixed double.

    Unfortunately, YY/XC could not deliver either. While HHB has to play Ma Jin unwillingly. But HHB/Ma Jin did pretty good, they even grab the Malaysia title. Then Yu Yang dumped Xu Chen again, to re-team with HHB.

    In this Korea SS, Xu Chen/Ma Jin has beat Mateusiak/Zieba 21-13/21-9 and Blair/White 21-13/21-19 easily. Not long ago, Yu Yang/Xu Chen lost to Blair/White badly, and also Yu Yang/HHB have lost to Mateusiak/Zieba many times. Xu Chen/Ma Jin, a scratch pair just in a hurry, sound much much stronger than Xu Chen/Yu Yang or HHB/Yu Yang.

    Not only that, in the quarter final, Xu Chen/Ma Jin have to go head to head with HHB/Yu Yang. and guess what? Xu Chen /Ma Jin cruise through with little effort against HHB/Yu Yang 21-13/21-13. XC/MJ were leading all the way.

    I don't know what Li YB and YY are trying to do next. First of all, every other players, no matter female or male, are eager to play with YY, because that will guarantee him/her a ticket to London next year. But in reality, Wang Xiao Li/YY should be fine, even though not the best in the world, but strong enough. For xd, YY will be back to HHB, or still with XC, or find someone else.

    By the way, In my humble opinion, YY, herself, is the weakest link. I think LYB builds everthing around her just because personal relationship. What you guys think? Based on your objective observation and professional analysis.
  2. mr.bulutangkis

    mr.bulutangkis Regular Member

    Oct 15, 2010
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    A comprehensive summary from you. Some facts from China league (national competition) that I never knew before.
    I just know that Yu Yang has such a power over LYB.

    Previously, I wonder to write about this. Yu Yang vs Ma Jin.
    IMHO, Ma Jin is more talented than Yu Yang. But poor her. In 2010, she was forced to divorce with Zheng Bo (I think one of best XD pairs in recent 5 years), also she loss her partner in WD (Xiaoli).
    But it seems that Yu Yang/Xiaoli is stronger than Ma Jin/Xiaoli (I just reviewed from international tournament, or may be because Yu Yang and Xiaoli has same short hair. LOL)
    How do think to pair Yu Yang with Ma Jin?

    On the other hand, QT/Yunlei is reliable for WD, even each of them should have had stable partner in XD
    TJ/QT and ZN/Yunlei are qualified to play in Olympic (otherwise Yu Yang also want to play XD also).

    However, one thing that make me curious is why in both Malaysian and Korean Open, Du Jing/Pan Pan is seeded better than 3 other CHN WD pairs.
    IMHO, I look at this WD as weakest pair compared to others (even they are still too strong compared to non-CHN WD pair)
  3. j4ckie

    j4ckie Regular Member

    Aug 12, 2010
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    Ma Jin and Yu Yang would probably not be a very strong double because they both prefer to play from the front of the court. That's why they both partner players with good smashes. None of them would fare well with Zhao Yunlei, either. Imop the Chinese should go for Ma Jin and Zhao Yunlei instead of Yu Yang. It's hard for her, true, but in the Olympics, it's about sending the best, and currently, I think MJ and ZY are both stronger. Partnering them with Tian Qing/Cheng Shu/Wang Xiaoli should yield the best results. Du Jing is not in shape. The only chance I see for YY is in XD, perhaps with Chai Biao? I've never seen him play XD, but he has strong offense and good, solid defense, and could benefit from YY's experience. HHB and XC are both not able to win Gold. Tough competition, but that's what you get when you're the dominant country in WD (and XD, to a lesser extent - and WS of course)^^
  4. LD rules!

    LD rules! Regular Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Zheng Bo is the strongest XD player, then Zhang Nan, Tao Jiaming, Chen Xu, He Hanbin etc
    Yu Yang/Ma Jin are strongest XD player, Yu is stronger than Ma, but Ma is quicker. A close 3rd is Zhao Yunlei, and Wang Xiaoli, Tian Q etc.

    Chemistry and team work is also important in a partnership, so this is one thing to consider. But I would agree, He Hanbin is pretty weak in defense reletively speaking, and isn't as strong as Zheng Bo.
  5. george@chongwei

    george@chongwei Regular Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    Btw, speaking of Zheng Bo, where's this guy now? i thought he's the world champion in xd together with ma jin? Is he still in the team??
  6. kming

    kming Regular Member

    Jun 26, 2009
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    I read in a website that ZB retired from international competition but i don't remeber where. il will try to find this article again
  7. george@chongwei

    george@chongwei Regular Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    I thought Li yong bo allows him back to the national team again after he won the WC?
  8. 2cents

    2cents Regular Member

    Aug 9, 2003
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    Landlording, providing vacation homes at Disney wo
    Vacation Home @ Disney World
    Zheng Bo is a tragic hero. He is no doubt the most telented in XD, there has never been any one yet as he was dominant the mixed double. He has been invincible for quite long with both Gao Ling and Ma Jin. But he has two problems: (1) unlucky with the big tournaments (2) cannot get along with teammates

    Therefore, he has been fired several times by the national team. He was fired some time before last year world championship. The true reason was for Yu Yang. The team wanted to build the best around Yu Yang, so dumped HHB, and paired HHB with Ma Jin, therefore, ZB was sent home.

    But in the world championship, BWF disallowed YY/XC and HHB/MJ because of lower rank. Therefore, China team had to go with ZB/MJ and HHB/YY. Therefore, ZB was recalled back to the China national team. When he's back, Li Yong Bo promised that if ZB won the WC, he will be re-admitted to the National team.

    ZB did win the WC with MJ. So he did return back the to national team, but LYB was not really serious. He fired ZB again after a visit tour to the national team. The reason was that no coach will coach him and no female player available for him. And the badminton rule disallow ZB playing mixed double alone by himself.

    So ZB was cheated, and sent home again. Now he is still playing, not retired. He's playing at the provincial level for the Hunan club. He just got fired from national team the 3 rd time. This time, he seems no chance back again.
  9. george@chongwei

    george@chongwei Regular Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    What a poor chap. Felt pity for him.
  10. echo17

    echo17 Regular Member

    Jan 30, 2011
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    Ya, i really miss the time he partnered with gao ling.. though they miss the og medal.
    btw, i think YY is good with WXL, just that WXL need to prevent too much unneccesary errors... but YY and DJ should really split.... i dont see they were superb 2gether after og
  11. LD rules!

    LD rules! Regular Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Agreed, this is just ridiculous
  12. george@chongwei

    george@chongwei Regular Member

    Jul 12, 2007
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    Don't worry, i'm sure he will be always welcomed by other countrie's for his service:p
  13. LD rules!

    LD rules! Regular Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Maybe we will be seeing a Zheng Bo/Anastasia Russkikh combination very shortly :p
  14. nokh88

    nokh88 Regular Member

    Jun 28, 2009
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    Badminton Trainee
    Badminton Academy
    This is the best statement. I can't help laughing. I pity him too

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