Hi, I would like to know what the difference between these tow shoes are? I guess the Comfort is marketed as a cushioning shoe, whereas the Eclipsion is marketed as a stability shoe? but what does that mean? Does that mean it's for people with flat feet and provides a bit of arch support? Currently using a 65z3 with extra insole. An a fellow wide footer.
Comfort is cushioning. It absorb impact on our feet when stomping (jumping, braking, dashing). Think it as a pillow under ur feet which would soften ur landing force. Stability is protection. It prevent ur feet to roll over either by counter roll mechanism or holding ur knee tight to prevent it rolling or maintain shoe shape preventing the sole deform.
just wanna ask you something, sorry before because this is out of topic so, does that means victor P series is better than yonex comfort? in overall, especially in comfort just wonder because i only has tried victor, im interested with yonex comfort
Same here. Never had Yonex. I hear alot from many of my friends that Yonex not build to last long. From their experience its somewhat 1 to 1.5 year. My last Victor shoes A950 last abit more than 3 years. & Personally i never own no.1 brand product, whatever it is. Samsung smartphone, Toyota cars, or anything. They sell their emblem for high price. No2-5 usually are more valued for money, they offer extra to catch up the no1. But maybe it just me getting hit by psicological stuff.
It really depends on the individual but personal experience regardless of how well / poor the upper portion of the shoe last the bottom (soles) will wear out around the same for most shoes regardless of the brand / model. If you play exclusively on rubber mat courts, this might not be an issue, but i find 12-18 months is a typical lifetime for the bottom outsoles where they lose their grip on standard hardwood gym floors, based on playing on 2-3 times a week. The rubber on the outsoles also tends to get hard after a few years as well even if they are not used much. I never had any issues with the upper portion of the shoes wearing out using both Yonex and Mizuno shoes.
At this point, I'm confused between the two. Which is a better pair? I know the Eclipsion is newer than the Comfort.
Looking for an answer to this exact same question. Currently wear the Blue Infinity 2's, but i'm finding my knees are starting to get a bit sore after playing. Probably old age, but i'd like to try something with more cushioning. Colour scheme, I'm leaning towards the blue Eclipsion Z3. The Comfort Z3 in black and neon yellow looks horrendous IMO. Have been looking at these two models and would like to know what real life differences they have.
I just got the Eclipsion Z3 and will try to play with it tomorrow. They look awesome and I'm with you on the Comfort Z3 yucky color scheme. If you want a more all-rounder pair of shoes, go with the Eclipsion. The Comfort is heavier than the Eclipsion too. Sent from my SM-S916B using Tapatalk
Can you let me know how the Eclipsions are compared to the 65z2 once you’ve tried them? I had the 65z2 too before my infinity2, so I’ll be able to relate.
Sure, I will. But I won't be able to tell accurately until these new Eclipsions get broken in (2 weeks, I think). Right now, they are still tight in the toebox which is expected. They're higher cut than the 65's for sure. Sent from my SM-S916B using Tapatalk
I've been using the Eclipsion Z3 for more than a week now. They're tight and hurt my feet a bit in the beginning especially in the achilles tendon area of my non-dominant foot but it's get better as the shoes get moulded to your feet. I don't regret my purchase.
so, which one is better? comfort z3 or eclipsion z3? im a little bit confused coz someone said that both cushion are more or less same and i find eclipsion is more interesting because in outside feet area, the outsole is connected between upper and heel area, reduce risk to roll your ankle.
just wonder, why did u choose comfort over eclipsion? does comfort offer the stability too? im in dilemma now between those two
I can't decide between the Eclipsion Z2 vs Z3. Can somebody pls throw some light on this too ? I got the chance to try the Victor P9200 lll at my local store (some anniversary edition). It didn't feel right. It said U shape with big toe being the longest. Although I have wide feet but my 2nd toe is the longest. But I was more thrown off by the feel of a padding under the mid-foot which was pushing my transverse arch upwards. I Dunno if it goes away overtime or it's supposed to be good, but i didn't like the overall fitting of THAT piece of expensive footwear.
Do you happen to have flat feet? Mine are kind of flat and on high end shoes, this part is raised to provided side support. On normal feet, that bump aligns with the foot but with flat foot, it can push too much. It was awkward at first but I got used to it over time (I use Yonex 65z).
No flat feet. But my right foot is much wider than the other. I'm currently using the Eclipsion Z2 (about a year) which is developing tears on its body. There was also a pair of ordinary insoles with the p9200 lll 55 edition. I Dunno if I was supposed to try the shoe by putting them inside too ?!