YONEX Carbonex 22 or 23

Discussion in 'Racket Recommendation / Comparison' started by Nguyen, May 25, 2000.

  1. Nguyen

    Nguyen Guest

    <html>Hey i just read the product review in this website<p>people have a review of YONEX Carbonex 22, not YONEX carb 23<br>but at the yonex.com on the production line they just have YONEX carb 23 only<br>not the YONEX carb 22.<p>Are they the same or different???
  2. yonex user

    yonex user Guest

    <html>: Are they the same or different???<p>They are different...<p>cab 23 is new (i.e. year 2000 line), but cab 22 goes a while back<br>

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