What is the meaning of Badminton?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by kwun, Oct 23, 2004.

  1. Ricky Saunders

    Ricky Saunders Regular Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Before I learned the sport in my P.E. class (a long, long time ago), I was then an 18 yr. old basketball player who thought badminton was a game played by old ladies with parasols in the garden.

    The speed, power and skill of the game totally shocked me. Have loved the game eversince I picked up my racket for the first time - - for its speed, power and skill.
  2. ttktom

    ttktom Regular Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Merseyside, England
    I just love it my parents both play it and i started playing it 9 years ago just before my 10th birthday. It is such a gud sport and fast paced 2. i Like doing the smash as i get every1 looking at how hard and how fast i can smash it lol. A few times when i smashed the shuttle the shuttle folded in half lol
  3. 2love2live

    2love2live Regular Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Love it why

    Love it because it attracts girls attention when you play well - I hope someday I can move as elegantly as XiaXuanZe, so ... :D :D :D

    Love it because it makes girls who play look nice - WooWoo, :D :D :D

    Kidding here :p :p :p

    I love it because my job requires me to sit at a computer all day - if I don't work out a big sweat during weekends - I might die very young;) ;) ;)

    Yeah I love the big sweat badminton can bring.
  4. halloweenboy

    halloweenboy Regular Member

    Jan 8, 2005
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    Part time (Student/Badminton enthusiast)
    China, Thailand, Singapore, Australia
    Why badminton

    I play almost every sport thats available to me, however badminton seems to have its own special attraction.
    - Indoor sport, regardless of how x*%# the weather is outside, I can still play
    - Requires alot of skill, focus, as well as being physically demanding
    - there are so many shuttles, strings and rackets to choose : ) There's always something to buy
    - Badminton has so many Trick and fake shots could do, its always fun to pop them during friendly games from time to time. And see your opponents expressions when they are executed perfectly. :D
    - Like others I am also into the Big Bang theory, love it when you play on some of the small courts where the sound echos so loud (makes you happy even though you know it was abit exaggerated)
    - At the countries I have lived in (Asia Pacific region) its widely played, there is always someone to play with, although its always hard to find skillful players.
    - After an exhausting training session or game, that heavenly feeling of drinking some ice chilled drink was always so satisfying

    The only regret I have was I never started playing badminton earlier, only started at 21yo. Now I'm playing 3-4 times a week : ) (making up for lost time) would like to play with some of you guys when I go over to singapore and thailand for Jan - Feb holidays too.

    #44 halloweenboy, Jan 8, 2005
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2005
  5. moratti

    moratti New Member

    Jan 12, 2005
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    Peter Gade `s smashing is really amazing.
    I just want to play like him.
  6. tinkerbella122

    tinkerbella122 Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    [ON . Canada] [GuangZhou . China]
    maybe ... maybe not

    True , not just girls , but some guys think so too . But that is because he / she had never played badminton before . Once you get them on the court and see how competitive and challenging this sport really is , they will love it =)

  7. splitstep

    splitstep Regular Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    IT Consaultant
    badminton is my religion :p
  8. Jinryu

    Jinryu Regular Member

    Oct 23, 2004
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    Librarian, RacketsportsMontreal.ca owner
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    I'd have to agree with wedgewenis. In terms of the training, grueling and unrewarding while you're doing it, all just to get a statistical advantage when playing a real game...

    I actually took up badminton because I was incurring too many injuries doing martial arts!

    To add to WW's post though, I'd say that it also includes elements of... well... I won't say "spirituality", but what I mean is this sense of squaring off, you and your opponent. Those old chinese films where two masters are head to head, and they do the courtesy salute before fighting? Same thing.

    As badminton players, what we're all striving for is this 'pure game' where the conditions are just right, in such a way that the game is all that matters. He's you're ennemy, sure, but at the same time, you can respect him, because he's done work to match up to you and you've done work to match up to him, and now this is the test that is largely irrelevant to you in the end-- all that matters is that you're playing that game, win or lose, to the best of your ability. It's something that you can give your all, and that has enough people out there playing as well that when you do so, they'll recognize that in you and that's what brings you all together, that common drive for self-improovement.

    People sometimes associate too little respect to the word "game" or "sport"... in general, I think the people who give negative associations to the word "jock" or who sorta wrongly stereotype athletes as meatheads without any intellectual or spiritual capacity are simply those who 'haven't seen the light', or are simply narrow minded. It's a part of a healthy lifestyle to play games, it certainly beats going to war just to have some sorta competition.

    I don't think it's important to dwell on definitions, but what I can say is that any true sportsmen or artists will know a fellow true sportsman or artist when he sees him or her in action... badminton is just one of those conduits for expression, one of those respectable disciplines by which we reveal just what we're made of and who we are.
    #48 Jinryu, Feb 10, 2005
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2005
  9. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    BC Janitor
    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    what you said reminded me of the movie The Last Samurai. when Katsumoto was talking to Algren after he was captured, "we are all students of war."

    while it will be too strong to classify badminton as a war, it is none-the-less a conflict and competition of skills, tactics, strategy, stamina, will power and all the good stuff that we associate a good badminton player with.

    the quest of badminton is to learn and improve ourselves in all these categories, and hopefully we will improve as a badminton player. a game played isn't a game of win or lose, but instead a game of learning. learning from exploring what one can do, as well as learning from seeing what one's opponent (and/or partner) can do. this is the reason why Katsumoto says they are "students of war", as the amount of knowledge is unbounded and there will always be more to be learned on every game/war. thus, badminton is a quest of knowledge.

    i think Jinyru might have touched on what i think is the core meaning of badminton:

    we are students of badminton.

    excellent post, Jinyru.
  10. jcl49

    jcl49 Regular Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Religion as in "Baddism" (yes it's intended)?
  11. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    BC Janitor
    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    Baddism... haha. i like that. :)
  12. jcl49

    jcl49 Regular Member

    Feb 2, 2005
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    Well, you don't know (it may not be as violent as rugby)...but big strong men play it --> not me
    Google seems to think its warlike (btw in Dutch "oorlog" is war)
    #52 jcl49, Feb 10, 2005
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2005
  13. Robbo77

    Robbo77 Regular Member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Hey that sounds like me too. I feel the badminton racket is like a sword and you care for it (new grips, best strings, cleaning, trying not to hit your opponents racket etc,) and when you are on the court competing it like a great battle of your opponent and yourself. The best thing is it can hurt noone and win or lose we all gain knowledge, improvement, enjoyment etc. from it.

    Its more than a sport for us. We probably even have more passion for it than the professional players. When we have a hard day at work, you can always imagine when will be the next time you get down to the courts and play and straight away it will cheer you up. You get little niggles and injuries cause you play too much, you waste money on fancier rackets, new shirts, what not. You can never understand why badminton is not on the television when you see golf is on.

    Lets all enjoy this wonderful game and have safe knowledge our "addiction" to it can only benefit society and never harm it:)
  14. tifam

    tifam Regular Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    The VNmese either the Chinese call badminton as specific name meaning "feather shuttle".This is a pictographic manner of speech which near to every fans heart and easy to remember!

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  15. Joanne

    Joanne Regular Member

    Aug 2, 2002
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    Getting thrashed on court.
    Petaling Jaya, S'gor, M'sia

    Badminton is..

    I don't know. How do you phrase it? It's a part of my life(and most likely yours =P). I've yet to meet any human being in real life with a real passion for badminton. Of course, all of us gather here. :D

    When I once commented, "Haven't played badminton for a long time already," my friends stared at me with wide eyes. "Didn't you just attend training yesterday??!" Then I realised that the 24 hours felt like a really long time, and not just a 'yesterday'.

    There's just a feeling of satisfaction and joy when you hold the racquet, and hit the shuttle around.

    Some people suggested that I changed sport after I dislocated my shoulder twice. But what could I change to? I tried squash before, they don't have enough sense to fill the ball with air. I tried volleyball(I only like the service) and netball(horrible game). Track? Running isn't much fun.. the only way to win is to run faster! And besides, I'd only really enjoy playing a racquet sport(closest to badminton?).

    I'm more then willing to pay for the court and shuttles. Money is no problem when it comes to badminton. In fact, my pocket money is spent only on.. guess what? Badminton.:D

    I don't know. There must be something wrong with all of us here. WHAT is it that gives us this addiction?? It can't be cured. I just know it! Plus it's terrible to have this addiction. Like drug addicts, they get withrawal symptoms when they don't take drugs. For badminton addicts? If you've no one to play with, no badminton hall is opened, it's like being stuck in a 'badminton rehab' centre. Only you know that once you're released, you'll go back to your old addiction. Badminton.

    Ankle sprained. Smashed eye. Dislocated shoulder. Some knee pain once in a while. What did these injuries do? Nothing. I love badminton just as much, if not more. Just the sheer joy of hitting the shuttle...WOW!
  16. ruth1

    ruth1 Regular Member

    Jul 23, 2003
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    Student Athlete
    Badminton is a way of life. Many of us plan our schedules around practice times/days and tournaments. When I register for classes, I will prefer a class with an afternoon time so that I can train in the morning and in the evening. We look forward to holidays and vacations not to sit and relax, but to get on the court and endure a physically demanding workout. We gripe and complain when we see ping pong, cheerleading, jumprope (!), and poker (!!!) on ESPN instead of badminton. Even though our ankle/knee/shoulder/back hurts and we can't help friends move out of their houses, we can still make practice tonight. We will break our bank accounts to use on rackets, shirts, traveling, etc.

    This and so much more all to improve our games
  17. tinkerbella122

    tinkerbella122 Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    [ON . Canada] [GuangZhou . China]
    too lazy to read all the posts before me ^^ ( sry if I've repeated anything ) but IMO ...
    Badminton is a sport that means the world to me . I don't know why it has such a huge effect on me as it does . I mean , badminton is so different from all the rest of the sports I've ever played before ... so unique and I am oblivious to the reasons , but all I know for a fact is that I am very addicted to it and that it is very important and special to my life .

    I think " what badminton is " differs , and varies depending on the people ... there's no simple answer to it .
  18. NEOing

    NEOing Regular Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Still Lookin...
    Jurong West, Spore

    wow....i never thought there are soooooo many ppl out there who feels the same man....enjoying badminton...thru badminton can see and get to know a lot of ppl , like rash one, clever ones, no brains one....and also no time for a lot of things other than playing badminton...haha...so much like me....no time to meet friends, no time for course as they are at night, no time for this job as it requires me to work up to night time..."No life" is what some of my friends will say and gf will say "play play play badminton"......but...well....money is not a concern...no matter how broke, sure will dig out some cash...No time to meet a long lost friend, no time to go for maybe a wedding dinner BUT got time to play badminton...hhaa...well well....wat to say...guess we are in the same boat...how i wish there isn't any work but to play badminton with new players everyday..is there such a place on earth ???
  19. winstonchan

    winstonchan Regular Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    CBO (Chief Babysitting Officer)
    To me, badminton is part of life

    This is the same question as:

    What is the meaning of football? What is the meaning of basketball? What is the meaning of baseball?... etc, etc...

    Badminton, like football, basketball, pingpong, hockey, boxing, etc.., is a sport, a game. Badminton itself is a "Dead Thing". What makes a sport lively, is human beings, like you and me. And because human beings are very unique individuals, badminton has a unique definition to every person. Badminton itself has NO meaning, but it would have a meaning to every individual. Perhaps the subject of this thread should be

    What is the meaning of badminton TO YOU?

    Badminton is part of me, part of my life. I feel the same too. Through the game, we get to meet different people, we learn to be smarter and think quicker, we become quicker in reflex, we learn to calm ourselves down in tense situation, we learn to fight, we learn to respect your opponent who is better than you. We learn the meaning of winning, and losing. These are all deep philosophical things that you learn from playing a sport. And of course, we all enjoy the social pleasure and friendship that badminton brings us.

    I can say I grew up with badminton, and is now part of my life. Is it Passion? Is it addition? Somehow you cant really call it an addition, because sleeping, eating, and brushing your teeth before you go to bed and in the morning is not an addition, it's part of what you do in life.

    And that's badminton - TO ME.
  20. tinkerbella122

    tinkerbella122 Regular Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    [ON . Canada] [GuangZhou . China]
    *clap* *clap* wow~! Well said winston :)

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