i dont know if they are worthy to be sympathised with, especially since they are professional players.. unless they've been brought up to smoke since childhood or something, which i think is unlikely. anyway, we digress from the original topic. crazy_smasher, why don't you watch the match again and judge for yourself?
what's wrong with smoking..??? it's their own freewill isn't it??? i do know that some of the chinese players smoke.... but maybe their coach doesn't know.... hahaha
btw i think Lin Dan lost maybe because he was tired... 3 games for most matches.... and the bandage on his knees could mean muscle strain hence causes his speed and movement to become slower.... he was also losing concentration after the 1st set, which i think he played the 1st set pretty well.... hiaz...
At first I thought he did give away the match on purpose so I decided to watch some earlier matches of his. After having seen the German 2004, Denmark, China and All-England semifinal again I have come to the conclusion that he did not give it away, rather he simply lost focus. The most obvious example of this would be the AE-SF against Wong Choong Hann where he blew a huge lead to lose the second set. This type of behavior is also exhibited in the China Open against Bao Chunlai where Lin Dan gave away a string of points ( although he did not lose the game ). Granted, this was the longest period where he gave away the points but we have to consider the the opponent was another Chinese player. In this case when the inevitable came maybe Lin Dan just gave up.
- Smoking's real bad. 80 % of people in China smoke, you can say there is Chinese dominance/hegemony in smoking but Westerners dont seem to mind. Smoking causes serious damage to the body which manifests itself in later life. I fact there is a worldwide ban on advertising by tobacco and alcohol companies. So tobacco & alcohol cos cannot sponsor sports events , some even suggest that Yonex should be included, that means no more badminton on TV.
80% is too much to be true. according to an article I just read, 52.5% of the population smoke or are affected by second-hand smoking. its due to the high concentration of the population in large cities.
who's that idiotic 'some'.. chinadoll, cigarette smoke negatively affects the environment. smoking is an eyesore. if those are not wrong enough, it damages every part your body.
Its a fact that alot of pple smokes there. Their cigs there are dirt cheap... a box for 2RMB? Singapore a box for SGD $9~10 dollars... so its only 40 cents a box there and each is abt 2 cents only. whereas a cig here cost abt 50cents... To sum in up It burns your money and your life
That isn't on topic either ask in one of these: http://www.badmintonforum.com/vb/showthread.php?p=228857#post228857 http://www.badmintonforum.com/vb/showthread.php?t=22124&highlight=boston+open