So the verdict here for the Saina vs WSX match.
I would say that in the latter part of both games, Saina went into self-destruct mode.
I have no doubt the next time Saina plays, she will win against WSX.
I have similar views to the quoted above part.
I missed the match, so watched it in youtube just now.
She was level 14-14 in the first game before loosing 15-21, and she was 10-9 up in the second before loosing 13-21.
She lost her focus (and patience) towards the end of both games. It was a strange match from Saina.
WSX played well, but Saina played badly- way below what she is capable.
As for the next time, that can be just one weeks from now at the Indonesia SSP quarters. A bigger tournament in terms of both prize money and ranking points. May be Saina was saving herself for that, so she didn't go all out?
Hope she wins in Indonesia.
And what's with these supposedly Indian commenters here cheering for an Indian player to loose against a Chinese player. I really don't get them. I have never seen a Chinese commenter in this forum who cheers for a Chinese player to loose against an Indian player. At least the Chinese have some self-respect.
In fact, I am not even sure if these guys haven't created fake accounts.
To find WSX pretty is one thing(personally I find her movements pretty, not so much her face), but to actually cheer all the way for her against Saina, who is from your own country, that's just too much.
There are a few players from outside India that I like, but I never support them if they are up against say Saina, Sindhu or Srikanth. I support them in neutral matches though.