To me, it matters not at all what nationality someone is. What's important is that he or she play badminton... and play it fairly.
..i would tend to concur with taufik-ist and Hau-ge.. ..actually here's a bit of the explanation: U.S. allows for dual citizenships. HOWEVER, Indonesia (amongst a few other countries, incl. i believe China) does not allow dual citizenships (of any nationalities). Thus if a person already has a U.S. Citizenship/Passport, and wants to keep his/her INA passport/citizenship, the Indonesian govt. WILL NOT allow that person to extend his/her Indonesian passport, when he/she wants to extend her INA passport/citizenship. So, one has to choose to either drop one citizenship or not. Of course, that person can alway lie (not tell the truth on the extension application form).. *You can read a bit more here (post #34):
He can get visitor visa on landing and extend it every 30 days. He would have stayed and run his family business, but he didnt.