Tata Open India International Challenge 2011

That's why INA lacks the courage of KOR or CHN coaches, who dare to split even highly ranked pairs like Ko Sung Hyun/Ha Jung Eun or Tao Jiaming/Tian Qiang (ranked at top 5).

That's also how we ended up with pairs like Rijal/Debby and Rendy/Afiat, who still are lingering below the top 20 despite being paired up for 2 years or more.

Also, too many "Fats" in the organization resulting in underachieving players.

INA's system is different......if we keep changing players...even now..There is strong rumour that Djarum and Jaya Raya may not give their players to Pelatnas ( except XD) as they felt that many of their players were not given chance or being split and being kicked out later....it is a bit complex...

Let me ask you if the winner of Kejurnas has to be IN in Cipayung..do you think Senatria deserves to be part of pelatnas as he has not performed well before( had been demoted)....or Ocoy which has been criticized for not performing ...did not do well in Kejurnas or any tournaments..Li Mao wanted to kick her out...but being Runner UP..she is given a chance as other officials argue that INA WS junior has not been in any podium in WJC......now we all know that it is tough for Ocoy to perform well in future...will you kick her out and give her another chance?

I heard Djarum is worried that later on their players might be kicked out if they dont perform well in first 2 years..so I heard they prefer to groom their own players from now on..also Djarum may not pass their WD and MD players to Pelatnas next year .....thats more complex that you think....

PBSI wanted to demote many players especially in MS and WS but Li Mao thinks some of their players may be performing late....now there is BIG battles between PBSI and Li Mao which believes some of MS juniors are good...and need time under his guidance...
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Also PBSI wanted to trim MS and WS and prefer to kick out quite many players...Li Mao argued that some of them will be good but need time under his guidance....and prefer to keep them..so now it is not officials do not want to demote....remember that PBSI has policy that once you are OUT..you can not enter pelatnas anymore..examples: slim chance for Senatria to be part of INA squad as he is ex pelatnas...
If Sindhu wins tomorrow...she will rank between 31 to 29...with another tournament left..she may end up being ranked in top 25 by end of the year...
Spotting another Indonesian coach for India, Rizky ( do not know his complete name), he is used to be under Mulyono ( TH's coach)
Being told the sport hall is very small..during round 1 to quarter..they have 3 courts and no space for spectators at all....
Alam win 21-17 21-13......nice game plan to smash on bhat body and in the end bhat losing his patient and confidence
PBSI has policy that once you are OUT..you can not enter pelatnas anymore..examples: slim chance for Senatria to be part of INA squad as he is ex pelatnas...
since when this policy come? I thought that some player who is ex pelatnas can join the pelatnas, ex: Frans Kurniawan, shendy, have they ever in pelatnas, right?
since when this policy come? I thought that some player who is ex pelatnas can join the pelatnas, ex: Frans Kurniawan, shendy, have they ever in pelatnas, right?
Not sure when>>just been told....I think it is recent policies....
since when this policy come? I thought that some player who is ex pelatnas can join the pelatnas, ex: Frans Kurniawan, shendy, have they ever in pelatnas, right?

Frans, Shendy also Rian, Yonathan were decided by themselves out of Pelatnas, then they were called back.

So far I knew 3 players who demoted from pelatnas and called back then : Andre Kurniawan, Meliana Jauhari & Yuan Kartika (only Yuan who called back by Seleknas)
So far Guru really dominating the game with his well reading game and superb footwork.....it's real hard test for Vito
Not sure when>>just been told....I think it is recent policies....

ko rudy, what is Li Mao's comment on Riyanto, Vito, Wisnu and Arif ??
who do he think have a good chance to be world beater ??

and who are MS and WS who are wanted to be demoted by PBSI ??

I am sure, they are not Vito, Wisnu, Riyanto and Evert as they perform relatively well this year
INA's system is different......if we keep changing players...even now..There is strong rumour that Djarum and Jaya Raya may not give their players to Pelatnas ( except XD) as they felt that many of their players were not given chance or being split and being kicked out later....it is a bit complex...

Let me ask you if the winner of Kejurnas has to be IN in Cipayung..do you think Senatria deserves to be part of pelatnas as he has not performed well before( had been demoted)....or Ocoy which has been criticized for not performing ...did not do well in Kejurnas or any tournaments..Li Mao wanted to kick her out...but being Runner UP..she is given a chance as other officials argue that INA WS junior has not been in any podium in WJC......now we all know that it is tough for Ocoy to perform well in future...will you kick her out and give her another chance?

I heard Djarum is worried that later on their players might be kicked out if they dont perform well in first 2 years..so I heard they prefer to groom their own players from now on..also Djarum may not pass their WD and MD players to Pelatnas next year .....thats more complex that you think....

PBSI wanted to demote many players especially in MS and WS but Li Mao thinks some of their players may be performing late....now there is BIG battles between PBSI and Li Mao which believes some of MS juniors are good...and need time under his guidance...

1. To one extent, I do agree that players should be given enough time AND ENOUGH TOURNAMENT EXPOSURE once they are in Pelatnas to see whether they can make the cut. The second part is something that is probably not given enough to ALL the players in Pelatnas (esp the so-called Pratama players). I prefer to see PBSI giving them at least 10 tourneys a year and then check their progress after a year to see if they meet certain target ranking.

For players like Rendy/Afiat and Rijal/Debby, they have been around for about 2 years at least (correct me if I am wrong) but their rankings still cannot go up to the top 20! Rijal/Debby were given 10 tourneys last year and 16 tourneys this year! Sadly, they NEVER REACH the Final and are still at WR21! For Rendy/Afiat, they were given 8 tourneys last year and 12 tourneys (plus the Summer Universiade) this year. Again, their best result is a SF finish and they are still at WR36. Should we give more time to them???

But then, for players like Mohd Ulinnuha/Berry Angriawan, who were actually progressing well last year despite participating in 5 tourneys, they at least won the Indonesia IC 2010 and reached SF in Malaysia IC 2010. Yet, they were split up last year and ended up performing even worse than the original partnership this year.

So, to a certain extent, I like the idea of Djarum and Jaya Raya actually grooming their own players. For example: Praveen Jordan/Didit Juang Indrianto, who are certainly not going to enter Pelatnas, I actually like them and I do think they have some potential as we can see their results in Sirnas in the Open Division this year with a SF finish in most tourneys despite their young age!

2. As I mentioned in the other thread, Elyzabeth Purwaningtyas deserves at least 1 more year in Pelatnas as she at least show that she can win the WJC runner-up medal this year. It's fair....good performance deserves to be rewarded. If she cannot fulfill a specific target by end of next year, then, by all means, kick ker out.

3. Like I said, I actually like the idea. Going to Pelatnas may not be the best idea for some players. In particular, this applies quite a lot to Djarum doubles players like Jenna Gozali, Mohd Ulinnuha, Berry Angriawan, etc, whom I think perform better when they were in Djarum as compared to Pelatnas.

4. I also agree that once you are out, you can no longer enter Pelatnas again. The same applies for Tommy Sugiarto and Alamsyah Yunus, whom I think it's better for them to remain outside Pelatnas and at the same time also achieving good results.

While I agree that the problem is complex, I think it could be solved if PBSI can write a contract with the players whenever they first enter Pelatnas. Specify what are the targets that THEY SHOULD ACHIEVE within the first 2 years, but also tell them how many tourneys they will be sent to (preferably at least 10 and according to their level). Then, evaluate their performance after 2 years and decide accordingly. At the moment, there is no clear performance-based evaluation system that is applied to all players (including the first-team players) and that's why some of them underachieve, whereas the newer players are left wondering whether they are really better off to be in Pelatnas.