YES! ROAD TRIP! A group of us RichmondPro (Richmond, BC) guys will be heading off to Calgary from 16-19 September. The main purpose of the trip will be to try out the new Sunridge facility while mixing in some sight-seeing. Basically we want to bring a group of 8. We currently have 6 confirmed and a few undecided. If there's anyone else interested in joining us, please let me know. BTW we're all in our 40's. Our first playing session will be on Fri Sept 16th after we arrive in Calgary and taking in a good dinner. I'm hoping to meet some of the Calgary BC members when we're there (cooler, where are you?) mb
8 Forty-somethings on a road trip to eat beef and play badminton? Sounds like a good movie premise! (Maybe Chow Yun Fat can play you, madbad ) Have fun and don't forget to take pictures.
I would love to be able to join you guys but unfortunately family obligations takes precedence. Whose vehicles are you folks using?
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds like fun. Hope this will be an annual event. I want to join but can't ditch the wife and kid just yet. Are you guys renting a van? Deals on hotels?
. I know I know, the wife will likely send me to live in the garage for the rest of the year . BTW, how is your ankle? back in commission yet? Ted @ Pete_LSD, are you back in town yet or still in North Cali?
Tedski, ankle is slowly on the mend. Played, or should I say hobbled, for about an hour this morning. Ligaments still need strengthening and movement is still rather restricted. But the target for recovery is the road trip, so there's 2 more weeks. Look on the bright side, after the road trip, you'll only need to live in the garage for less than 3 1/2 months. You know it's worth it.
madbad you guys are still coming right? I get back into Calgary September 15th from tournaments and training so I may be at Sunridge Badminton Center on the Friday night. I'm not sure yet and will figure it out as time comes closer, if your interested maybe we could have a hit or game that night.
It would be a pleasure to have our 40+ a$$es handed to uson a platter by a young pro like you. Yup, the trip is definitely on. We're playing Fri night after we arrive. We would love to meet and have you join us for our session that night. Check with Richard (owner) which courts he's booked for us. Go easy on us, haha