Li-Ning equivalent of Arc Saber 11, Astrox 88S 3U and Astrox 88D 4U

Discussion in 'Racket Recommendation / Comparison' started by Crimz, Mar 6, 2020.

  1. Crimz

    Crimz Regular Member

    Nov 20, 2008
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    Hi guys,

    I have been using Yonex Rackets for the longest time and only wearing Li Ning shoes. However I heard that Li Ning rackets are super durable so I thought I might as well get. Currently I have these 3 yonex rackets and I like the feel of them, just wondering what are the Li Ning equivalent of them?
    Arc Saber 11 3U
    Astrox 88S 3U
    Astrox 88D 4U

    I'm more of a front court player but I would also believe I can smash decently and contribute when at the backcourt too! I got 88D 4U cause the 3U is too heavy, surprisingly it's really nice to use as well. My string tension is 28lbs for all 3 rackets.

    I've got a Turbo Charging 70B, not much online about this racket but it feels abit more to the light side. Swing speed is definitely faster than the 3 rackets that I doubt it would pack as much punch as they would from the rear court. I think at best it would be an equivalent for the AS11 but I think there could be better match out there. Anyone with the lining racket experience to point out the equivalents of these 3 rackets? Those who have a TurboCharging 70B, how's your experience with the racket?

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