Big number of INA's players who registered in here, Adityawarman, Andreas Akbar Hidayat, Taufiq Ahsan, Muhammad Chandra, Alvent Yulianto Christina, Maria Elfira Dewi, Komala Fitriawan, Devin Lahardi Gunawan, Hendra Aprida Hartanto, Ari Yuli W. Irawati, Shendy Puspa Jauhari, Meiliana Kurniawan, Endra Kurniawan, Fernando Kurniawan, Fran Kusumastuti, Maria Febe Lie, Lingga Limpele, Flandy Maheswari, Nitya Krishinda Melati, Nadya Mundiasti, Rani Novita, Jo Nugroho, Anggun Nurlita, Lita Polli, Greysia Poluakan, Natalia Christine Pratama, Yoga Pungkasari, Rosaria Yusfin Putra, Senatria Agus Setia Ratnasari, Fransiska Riyadi, Joko Rumbaka, Dyonisius H. Saputra, Nandang Arif Saputro, Nugroho Andi Septano, Bona Susanto, Debby Tedjono, Andre K. Vivianita, Alfa Widarto, Wifqi Wijaya, Rendra Wirawan, Afiat Yuris Yuswandari, Aprilla
And is part of Djarum not PBSI....Andre will start from German open ( same week as Macau), Bulgaria and Dutch
INA will send many new players.. flandy/Greysia is going but why Rijal/Marissa is not?? arent they still on trial couple.. hehe.. Alvent/Rendra?? i'm curious too. seems that Luluk really resign from pelatnas.. *sigh*
You got that right.. ..that's almost the entire Pelatnas & Djarum squads going to Holland (at least a few from 1st and most if not all of 2nd, 3rd & 4th teams)...Good for them!...Though, both places' training centers will be pretty empty by then, with the 1st team squad(s) playing elsewhere... Anyway, hopefully all of them will go and won't be withdrawn at the last minute..
In Denmark, I have been told that we may big numberof INA squad. Some will play Dutch and DEN, some will play 3 events or 1 event. This is what I think : Vita/Rijal Nova/Butet Flandy/Greysia Devin/Jo Frans/Shendy ( will be part of Pelatnas team) Lita/Anggun ( ?) Kido/Setiawan Rian/Yoke Alvent/Rendra Joko/Hendra AG Bona/Ahsan Lingga/Edo (?) Vita/Butet Greysia/Nitya Shendy/Meili ( part of Pelatnas now) Sony Taufik Simon Tommy (?) Alamsyah(?) Maria Firdasari Pia Fransisca Aprilia Alfa (?)
I have been told that most may not go to Dutch Open as Visa processing will take 21 days..some players will be back next 2 weeks after China Open ( Greys, Nitya and Flandy)...some will play at Macau ...been told that they are struggling to get Denmark Visa on time.. I think Alvent is okay since he has no tournament to go.....
So DJARUM will prioritize GP tournament for Andre, it's understandable that both SS and GP Gold level are usually attended by top-names and chance to win title certainly becomes slimmer than GP.
Alvent/Rendra Hi Hauge, Is this going to be a permanent partnership? is Rendra back to pelatnas? how about Frans? is he back in pelatnas with Shendy and only be playing mixed in the future? Sorry for asking so much questions.. Thanks
Read Krisna's post in Fran/Rendra's thread. All 4 players will be returning to Pelatnas. Pelatnas wants to prioritize Fran/Shendy to play in XD (with Fran ONLY concentrating on XD) with their high ranking. I think Mel/Shendy will also be part of Pelatnas's WD first-team player. Both pairs can play in Super Series events, starting from Denmark and French. As for Rendra/Alvent, they will need to start winning at lower-level GPs.