3rd set. DEN 1-0 CHN 2-0 2-1 2-2 3-2 3 all 4-3 5-3 5-4 6-4 7-4 7-5 7-6 8-6 8-7 9-7 9-8 INA 7-15 CHN (1st set) 7-16 8-16 8-17 9-17 10-17 10-18 11-18 12-18 13-18 13-19 13-20 13-21 (1st game for CHN) Next post.
I hate to say it, but, scratch pair or not, CHN players are so damn good. All of a sudden, they become terror to all established world pairs...
DEN 11-12 CHN 11-13 12-13 13 all 14-13 14 all 15-14 16-14 17-14 17-15 17-16 17 all 18-17 18 all 18-19 18-20 (MP for CHN) 19-20 20 all 21-20 (MP for DEN) 21 all (It's 1 hour already) 21-22 21-23. CHN won. INA 4-5 CHN 5 all 6-5 6 all 6-7 6-8 6-9 6-10 6-11 6-12 6-13 6-14 7-14 7-15 8-15 8-16 8-17 9-17 10-17 11-17 11-18 11-19 11-20 12-20 12-21 CHN won. Vita/Lily won their match. Congrats.
thx for the update....anyway Z Yawen and Zhao TT are both experienced plyrs....so no surprised if Genit have trouble time.....vita-butet must be aware 2mrw if they meet this pair...but battle not over yet....
seem SDK performance decreasing nw........ or his opponent too good.... INA should improve their performance by next year since it will be their last SS...... other countries going to have better team like china, malaysia....... some more we haven't seen korean performance recently... if they participate, i think more terible for INA squad.....
Who could that person be??... ..hmm, could that be: - our Hau-ge??.. - our Raphy (Raphael Sachetat;badzine owner & photographer)?? - our Syaoran_Style (Tarek)?? of course, the last 2 people can't speak, write or understand Indonesian...
None of them, of course... Many sport journalists follow tournamentsoftware.com, and some of them take a look at Badminton Central too... I heard Sony get thigh injured, but no confirmed yet