Congrats To The "real" 2007 HK Open MD Champion


Regular Member
Surprisingly, there is none thread was created for this INA Pair

a big applauds must be given to this WC, added to their credentials of being crowned the World Champs, they manage to won two SS titles back to back.
They were the second MD pair beside KOO/TAN who able to did that two weeks in a row.

I must admit , when they won the WC in KL, i am not impressed . They avoided to meet their main nemesis, Koo/Tan & Fu/Chai on the road to their title. The only strongest pair during their path was Tony/Chandra.
I am quite happy know that they prove me wrong by winnning titles over titles . That was not just a pure fluke in WC.

Markis Kido , is a real athletes. I wonder how many MD players in current circuit able to perform jumping smash right from the beginning of the match towards the ends :cool:
I am curious to know what kinda energy drinks he took everyday :cool: If he quit Baddy one day, he can considered switch field to high jump events:eek: in track & field .

Hendra Setiawan, He is very cool. Not much expression on court. Sometimes it is hard for opponenets to read his mind & wonder where /when will he attack. He is deadliness in net plays. Simply outplayed the NET Plays King - tony Gunawan in several occasions !

Looks like no other pair now can stop them to clinching the MD gold medal in Beijing now.
Fu/Chai -- Too soft , less of their usual attacking power game.
Koo/Tan -- I am really don't understand, they are becoming quite unpredictable pair at the moment. Too "fresh" i would say for challenging fir a gold medal in the prestigous OG
Korean pairs -- Not impressive throughout the world year of 2007
Denmark - It would be an extras if the even manage to win a medal next summer..

I strongly believe they will be able to emulate their countrymen previous achievement at Olympics .
Good Luck :)
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yea...congratz to them..i wonder why they don't have any threAD CONGRATULATING THEM....odd2...markis is such a gud smasher lorh ..although he is not tall enough ..but he is so aggresive ..uh..smash..smash..n smash until da servis is over ...dush ....n hndra is gud think:D
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yea...congratz to them..i wonder why they don't have any threAD CONGRATULATING THEM....odd2...markis is such a gud smasher lorh ..although he is not tall enough ..but he is so aggresive ..uh..smash..smash..n smash until da servis is over ...dush ....n hndra is gud think:D

samuel beat me to it...hehe...I was about to write one :rolleyes:
ya.... we must salute the current world champion who had won 2 back-to back titles

:D :D

I like MK/HS.:)
MK has one WHOOPING jumpsmash...:eek::confused::eek:
HS is versatile, composed and focused. Above all, he is soo down-to-earth!!!
They're my favorite MD pair...:):):)
Plainly for the fact that they achieve the improbable so often...:D:D:D

KKK/TBH have an impeccable head-to-head record against them, though (MK/HS can't seem to play well against them)...:(:(:(
WIthout doubt!!!

From the beginning....This pairing has been "deadly and lethal"....
No doubt...they will be the strongets candidates for the OG:)

COngrats to Kido/Hendra !!!
and they are humble..
even when they won
they never shout and jump like monkeys...

Both are still shy. The whole team was wondering where they were yesterday when we were about to go for dinner, only to learn that they had quietly gone for dinner with their friend, Albertus Susanto Njoto :rolleyes:

Indeed, they still look awkward in front of the camera....especially Markis Kido :eek: Both players are usually together, when I bumped them during dinner and in the lobby, which shows that they are really a team player in every aspect.

Hendra Setiawan (or S as the team occassionally calls him) is really cool and very business-like....showing no emotion at all even when he made some errors. Just a tap on the shoulder of Markis Kido whenever his partner was the one making the error. Kido is more prone to showing his emotion :cool:

As I mentioned several times already, Hendra is increasingly more and more matured as a player. Even the Chinese fans appreciate him (I suspect this guy is also in badmintoncentral :D):

"技战术。从前感觉这一对有点“傻”,球路比较死板,最近几次比赛聪明了很多。亨德拉前半场我个人感觉比古建杰还要好一点点点,技术精良,速度快,下手狠。" -- recently, the INA pair has become smarter in their game-play. IMHO, Hendra's coverage of the court was slightly better than Koo Kien Keat, with his good skill, speed and sharpness in dealing with the bird.

"亨德拉前半场和网前小球,我也觉得比古要好,及有可能是继朴,吉, 和吴之后另一个网前统治高手" -- most probably, Hendra is going to be become another great player in front of the net, after Park Joo Boong, Sigit Budiarto and Tony Gunawan.

As for Kido, his task is to attack from the back, which can become rather dull to watch. But, I also have seen some variety in his performance recently ;)
KKK/TBH have an impeccable head-to-head record against them, though (MK/HS can't seem to play well against them)...:(:(:(

Indeed.....this is something that Sigit Pamungkas still has to work on before Kido/Hendra can be called a great pair :cool: World Championships title is left the Olympics Gold Medal in 2008, All-England (many opportunities), and the Asian Games in 2010. Not to mention being able to help Team INA to regain the Thomas and Sudirman Cup, like what Fu/Cai managed to do in 2004-2007.

They still have a lot of work to's take it one step at a time.
Titles as of 2007:
Hong Kong Open Super Series 2007
China Open Super Series 2007
Chinese-Taipei Open Grand Prix Gold 2007
World Championships 2007
Invitational World Cup 2006
China Open (6*) 2006
Hong Kong Open (6*) 2006
SEA Games Individual Event 2005
Indonesia Open (6*) 2005
Asian Badminton Championships (4*) 2005
SEA Games Team Event 2003

China Masters Super Series 2007
Sudirman Cup 2007
Indonesia Open (6*) 2006
SEA Games Team Event 2005
Denmark Open (5*) 2004

Asian Games Team and Individual Events 2006
Surprisingly, there is none thread was created for this INA Pair

a big applauds must be given to this WC, added to their credentials of being crowned the World Champs, they manage to won two SS titles back to back.
They were the second MD pair beside KOO/TAN who able to did that two weeks in a row.

I must admit , when they won the WC in KL, i am not impressed . They avoided to meet their main nemesis, Koo/Tan & Fu/Chai on the road to their title. The only strongest pair during their path was Tony/Chandra.
I am quite happy know that they prove me wrong by winnning titles over titles . That was not just a pure fluke in WC.

Markis Kido , is a real athletes. I wonder how many MD players in current circuit able to perform jumping smash right from the beginning of the match towards the ends :cool:
I am curious to know what kinda energy drinks he took everyday :cool: If he quit Baddy one day, he can considered switch field to high jump events:eek: in track & field .

Hendra Setiawan, He is very cool. Not much expression on court. Sometimes it is hard for opponenets to read his mind & wonder where /when will he attack. He is deadliness in net plays. Simply outplayed the NET Plays King - tony Gunawan in several occasions !

Looks like no other pair now can stop them to clinching the MD gold medal in Beijing now.
Fu/Chai -- Too soft , less of their usual attacking power game.
Koo/Tan -- I am really don't understand, they are becoming quite unpredictable pair at the moment. Too "fresh" i would say for challenging fir a gold medal in the prestigous OG
Korean pairs -- Not impressive throughout the world year of 2007
Denmark - It would be an extras if the even manage to win a medal next summer..

I strongly believe they will be able to emulate their countrymen previous achievement at Olympics .
Good Luck :)

Just to add... where they are not the 2nd pair... Fu/Cai also managed to win back-to-back 2 super series title in 2 weeks time... Singapore Open (beat CTF/LWW) and Indonesia Open (beat MF/MZ)... :)
Just to add... where they are not the 2nd pair... Fu/Cai also managed to win back-to-back 2 super series title in 2 weeks time... Singapore Open (beat CTF/LWW) and Indonesia Open (beat MF/MZ)... :)

ALL the top 3 MD pairs HAVE WON back-to-back Super Series titles!

Koo/Tan in All-England and Swiss Super Series
Fu/Cai in Singapore and Indonesia Super Series
and Kido/Hendra in China and Hong Kong Super Series....
More compliments from the Chinese fans (focussing on Hendra of course):

"亨德拉除了前场技术很好以外,后场杀球也是不错,昨天直接杀死吴/陈组合几个球了。马亨两人虽然各有侧重,但没有什么软肋,不象中国的风云,必须前云后峰才能赢" -- besides his impressive front court coverage and net-skill, Hendra's smash from the back of the court is pretty good also, which resulted in a few points against Tony/Candra yesterday. Even though both Kido and Hendra have excelled their respective roles, they do not seem to have any major weakness either, unlike Fu/Cai, which have to rely on Cai Yun in front and Fu Haifeng at the back in order to win :rolleyes:

"印尼亨德拉很全面,技术、心理都好;反而基多比较容易抽风" -- Hendra is more all rounded in terms of skills and mental attitude. On the other hand, Kido is more prone to making errors.

,前几天打球居然也去模仿亨德拉那种回放, 看来吴俊明后候又有新的模仿对象了,似乎对古的网前打法不感冒" -- there is a certain difference between Hendra's and Tony's netting skills. Besides the tight coverage, Hendra's netplay is more varied and he is more daring to play some outrageous trick shots. A few days ago, Tony even copied some of Hendra's trick shots.....:eek:
Indeed.....this is something that Sigit Pamungkas still has to work on before Kido/Hendra can be called a great pair :cool: World Championships title is left the Olympics Gold Medal in 2008, All-England (many opportunities), and the Asian Games in 2010. Not to mention being able to help Team INA to regain the Thomas and Sudirman Cup, like what Fu/Cai managed to do in 2004-2007.

They still have a lot of work to's take it one step at a time.

1) Oh yes, next time you manage to meet them, please ask Kido to grin widely during prize presentation. Many times he look so serious like he didnt want the title, he dont want can give all to his partner, he he.

2) Even you are frustrated they 'always lose easily' (your words) to KKK/TBH. Those matches were about the only time, Hendra showed frustration.

Anyway, they've improved since WC. Hendra not so nervous anymore. Wonder what type of ginseng or Tongkat Ali Kido has been taking, smash from beginning to end. Tony/Chandra also shake head.

3) Since the top 3 pairs seems to taking turns winning :
OG - Still another 7 - 8 months to go to improve for all 3 pairs
AE - Fu/Cai had it, KKK/TBH had it, next year may just be Kido/Setiawan's turn.
Thomas Cup 2008 - we shall see together, maybe Indonesia can snatch from China's hands
Asian Games 2010 - A couple of years away, up for grabs too.
2) Even you are frustrated they 'always lose easily' (your words) to KKK/TBH. Those matches were about the only time, Hendra showed frustration.

Good observation from u as always :D Indeed, there was certain apprehension whenever Kido/Hendra faced Koo/Tan. The mood is already different from the very beginning, with Kido/Hendra straight away under the pressure :mad: Not only Kido, Hendra was also affected.

In fact, I observed that Hendra also showed some hesitation when he made a couple of continous errors yesterday, when they were playing in the less-favoured court (with the draft and all those problems). He was probably watching how Nova's numerous errors in the first set of the XD match eventually costed the INA pair that set.

These are the little things that both players would have to improve before the big events. I will prefer it if they face Koo/Tan in front of the home crowd in the Malaysia Super Series (likely to be in the Final since they will be the top 2 seeds). Losing again is okay if they play bravely and force at least a rubber-set :cool: That will be a small improvement already :rolleyes:
Surprisingly, there is none thread was created for this INA Pair

a big applauds must be given to this WC, added to their credentials of being crowned the World Champs, they manage to won two SS titles back to back.
They were the second MD pair beside KOO/TAN who able to did that two weeks in a row.

I must admit , when they won the WC in KL, i am not impressed . They avoided to meet their main nemesis, Koo/Tan & Fu/Chai on the road to their title. The only strongest pair during their path was Tony/Chandra.
I am quite happy know that they prove me wrong by winnning titles over titles . That was not just a pure fluke in WC.

Markis Kido , is a real athletes. I wonder how many MD players in current circuit able to perform jumping smash right from the beginning of the match towards the ends :cool:
I am curious to know what kinda energy drinks he took everyday :cool: If he quit Baddy one day, he can considered switch field to high jump events:eek: in track & field .

Hendra Setiawan, He is very cool. Not much expression on court. Sometimes it is hard for opponenets to read his mind & wonder where /when will he attack. He is deadliness in net plays. Simply outplayed the NET Plays King - tony Gunawan in several occasions !

Looks like no other pair now can stop them to clinching the MD gold medal in Beijing now.
Fu/Chai -- Too soft , less of their usual attacking power game.
Koo/Tan -- I am really don't understand, they are becoming quite unpredictable pair at the moment. Too "fresh" i would say for challenging fir a gold medal in the prestigous OG
Korean pairs -- Not impressive throughout the world year of 2007
Denmark - It would be an extras if the even manage to win a medal next summer..

I strongly believe they will be able to emulate their countrymen previous achievement at Olympics .
Good Luck :)

I am surprised that you finally admit I have seen many posts of yours in last couple of days....doubting them big time....I was a bit dissapointed with many negative remarks about them....:(
...These are the little things that both players would have to improve before the big events. I will prefer it if they face Koo/Tan in front of the home crowd in the Malaysia Super Series (likely to be in the Final since they will be the top 2 seeds). Losing again is okay if they play bravely and force at least a rubber-set :cool: That will be a small improvement already :rolleyes:

You know...
That might just be the reason I like MK/HS so much; the fact that they (99% of the time) play with so much courage...:):):)
You know...
That might just be the reason I like MK/HS so much; the fact that they (99% of the time) play with so much courage...:):):)

Yah...except when they face Koo/Tan :mad:
They are not afraid of anyone right now (not even Fu/Cai)....just the Malaysian pair....maybe its the Rexy influence :cool:
Surprisingly, there is none thread was created for this INA Pair

a big applauds must be given to this WC, added to their credentials of being crowned the World Champs, they manage to won two SS titles back to back.
They were the second MD pair beside KOO/TAN who able to did that two weeks in a row.

I must admit , when they won the WC in KL, i am not impressed . They avoided to meet their main nemesis, Koo/Tan & Fu/Chai on the road to their title. The only strongest pair during their path was Tony/Chandra.
I am quite happy know that they prove me wrong by winnning titles over titles . That was not just a pure fluke in WC.

Markis Kido , is a real athletes. I wonder how many MD players in current circuit able to perform jumping smash right from the beginning of the match towards the ends :cool:
I am curious to know what kinda energy drinks he took everyday :cool: If he quit Baddy one day, he can considered switch field to high jump events:eek: in track & field .

Hendra Setiawan, He is very cool. Not much expression on court. Sometimes it is hard for opponenets to read his mind & wonder where /when will he attack. He is deadliness in net plays. Simply outplayed the NET Plays King - tony Gunawan in several occasions !

Looks like no other pair now can stop them to clinching the MD gold medal in Beijing now.
Fu/Chai -- Too soft , less of their usual attacking power game.
Koo/Tan -- I am really don't understand, they are becoming quite unpredictable pair at the moment. Too "fresh" i would say for challenging fir a gold medal in the prestigous OG
Korean pairs -- Not impressive throughout the world year of 2007
Denmark - It would be an extras if the even manage to win a medal next summer..

I strongly believe they will be able to emulate their countrymen previous achievement at Olympics .
Good Luck :)

I wont write off Fu/Cai. They will be game for Beijing next year. They got the experience and the titles to back them up.

I like Hendrawan/Kido for their down to earth nature. No showboating, no fancy stuff etc. No colouring of the hair, chains, numerous rings and bracelets. They are all business when on the court. In short, they are professional full time badminton players, not some metrosexual wanna be. No wonder they are World Champions.

I also feel the older guys like ML/JE, TG/CW will also be strong contenders in Beijing next year. For these guys to still be playing top class badminton in their mid 30s, they will be there and may get the lucky break in Beijing!

On the sentimental side, I hope either TG/CW or ML/JE takes that gold next year.