Chinese Badminton

Discussion in 'China Professional Players' started by Justin L, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Steve the noob

    Steve the noob Regular Member

    Sep 15, 2012
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    Personally I believe LXR isn't very consistent yet. But I believe she'll be grabbing more of the larger titles in the next few years (not that she hasn't already...).
  2. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    Good observation, I too thought her lapses of concentration problem is still there albeit less obvious or serious than before.

    Btw,it'd be better that individual player-specific matter be posted at their relevant threads,no offence intended:). Thank you.
  3. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    In a seemingly unprecedented move by CBA, CHN sent only a bunch of kids to the Viet Open GP'13, with the oldest and best known being the 19-yr-old Xue Song and the youngest are relative unknowns being the 15-yr-old Sun Feixiang(boy) and the equally young Chen Yufei(girl).

    They were represented only in the MS and WS and ended with the 16-yr-old sensation, He Bingjiao, winning the WS title in style. Is this a positive sign that CBA is giving their juniors more opportunities to learn and prove themselves at the adult international level, following in the footsteps of the Thais and the Japanese, for example? I find it commendable and hope it becomes a policy for CBA henceforth .
  4. kwun

    kwun Administrator

    Apr 24, 2002
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    Santa Clara, CA, USA
    same here. i am sure there are tons of competition at home for the super young players but nothing, absolutely nothing can prepare them for the real tournament aside from sending them out there. experience is defined is to be gained by participating. CBA is perhaps doing the extra step to ensure that they will continue to dominate the international badminton scene for generations to come.
  5. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    Early this year, around the Aussie and the NZ opens, it was the CHN boys who were doing better than their girl counterparts. Now, it seems to be the other way round.

    I'm thinking for CHN MS, apart from their MS1 Chen Long (we can disregard Lin Dan as he's not in active competition), their MS2 and MS3 could use some strengthening or reinforcement, in preparation for next year's Thomas Cup as their MD is still a nagging problem with no solution in sight.

    I'm aware Lin Dan is the natural choice for CHN MS3 but I doubt he would be too keen or willing, which he wasn't for the last Sudirman Cup where he was supposed to be the reserved player.
  6. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    Exactly, for the CHN youngsters to lose to their compatriots, particularly to their better known ones and not necessarily the elite players, in domestic competition is nothing,no big deal, only to be expected, pardonable, so they usually play under little or no pressure, no jangled nerves, and nothing much at stake to worry about.

    But once on the world stage , the more so when pitted against the foreign players, these CHN juniors and second stringers are compelled to step up their game and perform creditably, at least up to their coaches' expectations, or else no more overseas assignments and opportunities for the under-performers in future, which may literally spell the end of their careers. As we know, such promising up-and-coming players are a dime a dozen in China, any one not up to the mark is almost immediately replaced.

    As for CHN's intended dominance I have a feeling, based on my own reading, that, in the short-run , CBA/LYB is not too keen to achieve that state yet, esp after their unexpected clean sweep of the London Olympic golds, where for the following one year they sort of taken their foot off the pedal, slackened or 'rested too much'(to use LYB's phrase). To me, CBA/LYB seems somewhat concerned about the possible negative impact CHN's dominance might pose to the badminton world at this stage and they could be considering sort of holding back until such time when badminton is raised to a high degree of popularity worldwide, its status elevated to the level of Tennis (or at least Table-tennis ) with its humongous sponsorships and the hugely lucrative prize moneys. That may explain why LYB as well as Lin Dan have after LOG'12 been constantly talking about spending more effort and doing much more to promote the sport, instead of just concentrating on winning medals as before, and that's not just because of their personal self-esteem and/or self-actualization needs. Of course, I'm merely speculating, just saying;perhaps, I'm thinking too much.

    It's worth noting that, at present, CHN badminton is far from being dominating especially when you compare it to their table-tennis in which, at the moment, they occupy 6 of the top 10 world ranking list in MS, namely, 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 7th positions whilst in the WS world ranking list, CHN occupies the 1st,2nd,3rd,then 5th,6th,7th and 8th positions, i.e. 7 out of 10.

    Btw, in table-tennis MS, CHN has a 16-yr-old prodigy in Fan Zhendong who catapulted to WR 5 now and going strong. For badminton, his counterpart, CHN's 16-yr-old girl,He Bingjiao, still has much catching up to do.
  7. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World

    According to the above report, CBA yesterday (4th Jan 2014) announced their latest name list of coaches. Besides Li Yongbo who remains as Head Coach, the surprising news is Zhang Ning's demotion to assistant coach while Chen Jin is promoted to chief coach for the WS team.

    Li Yongbo is quite impressed by the former world champion Chen Jin's performance as understudy coach and, in view of the present 'masculinization' of WS techniques, hopes he could transmit advanced tactics to the WS team.

    So as not to disrupt training, the CBA's announcement was made during the lunch break. Of the CHN National Team's performance in 2013, Li Yongbo has expressed much dissatisfaction. For the whole of 2013, CHN took part in 36 tournaments, winning about 40% of it, averaging two golds (titles) per event, for an unimpressive (to him) total of 69 golds garnered ; comparing this performance record to 2012's average of 4 titles per event, the decline is pretty obvious.

    Apart from the elite team's significant drop in achievement that rather displeased him, he also felt unhappy that the team seems to be extending their 'basking' period, continuing to rest on their laurels since the London Olympic clean sweep and apparently the players along with the coaches still haven't gotten out of it, which bothers him the most.
  8. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    More news on the CBA's latest announcement of the coaches name list.

    Apart from the big change in the WS group, there were no changes in the other three groups' chief coaches appointments. Guo Zhendong who retired after the 2013 Chinese National Games has become a coach for the WD group.

    Li Yongbo said:" The coaches selection standard has to meet the team's requirements. Every one of our coaches has to attend the competitive selection meeting to present a report on their understanding of the team (players) and give their own work-related thoughts, then let the coaches cum expert committee composing of 33 jury members to grade them, thereby allowing the committee to finalize the choice of candidates and the composition of the coaching squad."

    The revised CBA coaches name list as follows:

    Men's Singles : Chief Coach Xia Xuanze; Asisstant Coaches, Li Zhifeng and Chen Yu.

    Women's Singles: Chief Coach Chen Jin; Assistant Coaches, Zhang Ning andTang Xuehua.

    Men's Doubles: Chief Coach Zhang Jun; Assistant Coaches, Wang Wei and Xie Zhongbo.

    Women's Doubles: Chief Coach Liu Yong; Assistant Coaches, Pan Li and Guo Zhendong.
  9. Giga01

    Giga01 Regular Member

    Aug 16, 2010
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    Is Guo Zhendong now one of the WD coaches? That was news to me!
    And Chen Jin is already the "Chief coach"!
  10. pcll99

    pcll99 Regular Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    There is no coach for Mixed Doubles!!! Apparently, XD is not a discipline in China!!!
  11. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    That's right. Now we know what happened to Guo Zhendong, the MD player. I remember he last partnered Chai Biao before his disappearance from the badminton scene recently. I wasn't quite aware that he last played MD at the Chinese National Games last October, at the end of which he retired, according to a report. I think he's around 28 years of age, another young CHN coach appointee. From one report ,, it said that CBA's conventional practice since the recent past in the appointment of coaches are,(1) internal production/generation (this rules out foreign coaches) and,(2) to promote younger staff.

    As for Chen Jin, his big jump from understudy coach to Chief Coach in just 8 months after his retirement and induction into coaching as a trainee - is making the news not only in China but here in this forum as well, it seems.

    Let's hope Chen Jin lives up to expectations and successfully delivers on his appointed post as Chief Coach of CHN WS, one that carries heavy responsibilities and lots of pressure with much at stake, not least of which is his career. Wish Chen Jin all the very best.
  12. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    I noticed that too - it wasn't mentioned in the article. But if I'm not wrong, the WD coaches double up as the XD coaches as well. The next time there's live TV broadcast of WD and XD matches involving CHN, let's take a look to see if this is the case.
  13. zhuangcorp

    zhuangcorp Regular Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    One thing I would love to see is bringing in some Indonesian or even Korean coaches to help the MD discipline. I see Japan and Korea bringing in foreign coaches which has helped them a lot.

    I feel China lacks understanding of how MD is played, and especially the way MD strategy is evolving. China seems really archaic in their MD strategy. They tend to favor long rallies and big smashes. Other teams are now evolving to favor first 3 shots and mid-court pushes to win points.
  14. zhuangcorp

    zhuangcorp Regular Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    United States
    Also, I wonder why:
    1. Yu Yang isn't being played in the mixed doubles
    2. Zhang Nan isn't played in the men's doubles (he used to play with chai biao, but hasn't been playing since)
  15. sen

    sen Regular Member

    May 17, 2002
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    Blue planet
    Yu Yang played mixed doubles last time, if I remember correctly, with He Hanbin ?

    Actually Yu Yang did not shine playing mixed doubles, or maybe because she was not given the right partner ?
  16. zhuangcorp

    zhuangcorp Regular Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    When I watch her play WD, I see no reason why she wouldn't be a good XD player. In fact she does have a Bronze medal from the Beijing olympics in XD and a Silver medal from 2010 World Championships. I think He Hanbin is not a very good player, so with one of the better male players, i think Yu Yang could be great in XD as well as WD . Maybe because she struggles with stamina problems she is left out of XD.
  17. Justin L

    Justin L Regular Member

    Aug 11, 2011
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    Citizen of The World
    Even Li Yongbo has expressed disappointment and frustration with the slow progress of the young CHN MS crop to the top echelon - he didn't actually mention names but I believe he has in mind players such as Chen Yuekun, Gao Huan, Tian Houwei, Qiao Bin, Huang Yixiang, Guo Kai, and, perhaps, Xue Song.

    Some years back around 2008 CHN MS have Lin Dan, Bao Chunlai and Chen Jin as mainstays, then later it was Lin Dan, Chen Jin and Chen Long after Bao CL's retirement. Now that Lin Dan is semi-retired and unlikely to play in enough tournaments to become CHN MS1 for team events, CHN MS elite team practically now consists of Chen Long, Du Pengyu and Wang Zhengming after Chen Jin's retirement, so I 'd say this 3-member combination is the weakest CHN MS is in at present.

    Talking about Tian Houwei, somebody once revealed that he is still pursuing his academic goal at university, so it's a bit difficult to juggle his studies and commitment to professional badminton. He just turned 22 years old,born 11th Jan 1992, hopefully, he can finish his education early this year so that he is free to dedicate himself fully to the sport.
  18. pcll99

    pcll99 Regular Member

    Nov 19, 2009
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    Well, if LCW will really retire at the end of this year, I think LD can retire this year too.

    But of course there are many commercial considerations as well. So let's see what will happen.
  19. OneToughBirdie

    OneToughBirdie Regular Member

    Jun 28, 2006
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    icy cold place
    LYB has a problem that the ROW would wish to have, a stable of very good young talents. Unleashed a XS to play IND gold, and he beat the home boys to take gold. How many XS are there in CHN?

    If LYB packs a plane to fly these players to play in all the SS/SSP, he practically kills this game and IOC would ban badminton since CHN would dominate. LYB has to be generous like LD.

    If LYB is looking for the next LD and frustrated in not finding that chap, he is not alone. INA, MAS and DEN have the same problem, i.e. finding the next legend of this game. KOR and JAP have yet to see the shadow of any MS legend in their history, and are still searching.

    The world is changing. It is difficult to find young prospects, convincing their parents that there is future in badminton to 'loan' these kids to the association home away from home for years/decade, then to eat-sleep-breathe badminton and live a healthy, regimented lifestyle, trust the coaches to play 'parents' to your kids, this is huge leap in faith. And still badminton pays peanuts, one heck of a risky business to venture in.

    Kids out there today are bombarded with I-phone, dating, branding, cars, all teenager wish lists, to find players willing to dedicate their life to this sport will be very challenging to find the next LD, LCW.

    LYB has better chances going to the country side where there will be kids who has no future, and playing badminton has nothing much to lose.
  20. zhuangcorp

    zhuangcorp Regular Member

    Aug 28, 2012
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    United States
    The latest India GPG was a great success for the next generation of Chinese doubles.

    The XD, WD, and MD were all Chinese final. It's nice to see such good players. The finalists saw a dramatic rise in their world rankings.

    In the MD: Li Junhui/Liu yuchen, Huang Kaixiang/Zheng Siwei are very impressive.
    In the XD: Wang Yilv/Huang Yaqiong, Huang Kaixiang/Chen qingchen look like top 10 players already.

    I am really looking forward to seeing these youngsters in more tournaments very soon! Historically, MD and XD have been relatively weaker for China, so its nice to see some improvement in the next generation.

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