i am a intermediate player looking to improve, i am looking for a training camp where i can train full time there for 2 months or more, which can also provide accomadation. if people could suggest anywhere good or experienecs of any training camps it would be mostly appreciated.
For full time training camp I can only recommend Malaysia. It is not only really cheap to live and offers excellent quality and safety but it has perfect infrastructure, coaches and sparring partners to train and play badminton. I lived there for 2 years and had a private coach to help me improve the game - PM me if you want more information and contacts.
hey, do u know where in malaysia i can do a badminton training camp? place? time? date? thankyou, flexxiboy
Kuala Lumpur is definitely the best option. I can provide you with some contacts to Badminton schools/centers and to private coaches. Kuala Lumpur offers probably the biggest choice of various programs, big selection of accomodation and lots of great players to test your skills against. PM me if you are interested in more information. (Just happy to help but I have absolutely no commercial interest. I lived in Malaysia for 2 years but now moved to Spain...)
hey, i know about one place in Frederikshavn (north Denmark) but this place got some trouble and in that moment its not so popular and can be not interesting (but ofcourse you can try), second is somewhere near Kopenhagen.they have own web site but I don't remember name of that. Denmark has some colleges with badminton study line: one is in Aarhus and second somewher around. I think they have more places like that but most of the webs are in danish or with only few information in english. maybe good idea is to get some club in good standard. i dont know you but if you play at reasonable level you can get some expences cover. good luck!
Hi! You've posted that message years ago but if you can still provide some contacts in KL i will be very thanfull. Regards!