Astrox 77 4u vs BS12 4u for beginner-intermediate player

Discussion in 'Racket Recommendation / Comparison' started by xamde, Mar 21, 2022.


what racket is the best

Poll closed Apr 20, 2022.
  1. BS12 4u

    3 vote(s)
  2. Astrox 77 4u

    1 vote(s)
  3. drivex 9x 4u

    0 vote(s)
  1. xamde

    xamde New Member

    Mar 21, 2022
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    I currently have 3 rackets, which embarrassingly I can't decide what racket I should use.
    My rackets are bs12 4u, astrox77 4u, and drivex 9x 4u.

    I am a beginner-intermediate player and still intensively learning.
    I'm relatively good at front court and driving, but my smash and clear are relatively weak. My ultimate goal is to be a good double defensive player. However, now it seems I need to play offensive to win the game.

    I really like BS12. I feel frictionless from the racket and my consistency with the game is so good with this racket. My front court with this racket is crazily amazing. However, my smash is so terrible. To the point that if I smash directly from rear to their front court player, they will be able to retrieve shot easily and win the point. I somehow believe that the lightness of BS12 leads me to a bad habit because it is so forgiven and I can use my wrist to compensate my bad technique.

    On the other hand, Astrox 77 swing seems to be completely different and heavier. I notice the momentum and friction for each swing, which potentially slow me down. I feel like I need to have a correct technique to be able to play with this racket, otherwise my wrist and my arm will get bad. Also, smashing with this racket is awesome and effortless due to its swing momentum.

    Right now, I can't decide what racket will suit me the best in long run. I try switch racket between game and I think they are too different to keep changing. I decide not to use drivex 9x for now as I think it is the hardest racket to use.

    Please advise.
  2. Budi

    Budi Regular Member

    Feb 10, 2019
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    1. Stick with 1 racket. Every racket change there will always an adaptation/adjustment phase, at least you will lose 2-3 point for that (that if you good at adapting). So stick with one of it like forever till it giving up on you (broken).
    2. Power is not everything. We hit feather not iron ball, no matter how hard we hit, from the back its long flight & will be slowed down the further it goes & a honed reflex will always be able to react from a hard smash. Whats more important is where we aim our smash. See how daddies play. Old man, bad feet (old injury). Not the fastest nor quickest player i would say, saw them doing overhead shot in bad position many times coz their feet cant keep up but how smart they can put the shuttle really giving the opponent big trouble.
    what07, xamde and xzavire like this.

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