ZhaoTT simply ran out of gas mentally at the end. a string of rally lost and she wasn't even in the offensive at the end. she let a lift in at 13-13 and then net into the net 14-13. Gao/Huang won the 2nd and the match, 15-13
hmm so the score between them (head to head) will be 10-1 for Gao/Huang...when did they loss to Wei/Zhao ? It must be long times ago
there is a Gao Ling admirer in the audience. someone shouted again, "Gao Ling Wo Ai Ni". Gao heard it, laughed and waved..
same here. i think Wei/Zhao was playing really well the whole match. they had the chance to pull Gao/Huang to the 3rd, but a slip in concentration ultimately means that they will be #2 again.
They're more inconsistent, but they controlled the rallies(when they were attacking). Oh well, there's always the World Championships for them to make their first big tournament win.
i agree. Gao/Huang knows their teammate well and knows that as long as they relied on their stronger defense, W/Z will eventually ran out of patience and make an error. it was much more common to see a lift long or wide by W/Z or a smash/drop into the net.
Chen Hong Even though Chen Hong is not as popular as Lin Dan, Bao Chunlai or even Xia Xuanze but he is the only Chinese player that won 2 All England Championship with 3 appearences in the final in recent history, quite an achievement. Imagine if Chen Hong is a Malaysian, he would be rich by now and we, the Malaysians, no longer suffer "so colse yet so far" sickness all these years :crying: Yet Chen Hong is not really appreciated by the Chinese fan for whatever reason, bunch of spoiled kids
My apology My apology, appearently TV1 only showed part of the video footage of MSF. I guess we got punish becasue Malaysian player was not in the final. My love for Choon Hann and Chong Wei is diminishing a little ;-)
maybe because chen hong doesnt play wif much flair as his favorited countrymen. Remember that real bruce lee fighting techiques is very different from those he fight on the movie screen.
i watched the match; stayed up to past three if i remember right .. chen hong was really keeping his head even though the first set was gone. in fact most of his shots were very well-defined.. barring some silly wide shots mistakes which he coolly wiped aside with slight smiles and mild self-admonitions. to be honest though, chen hong's victory was also due to the vast no. of mistakes on lin dan's side. too bad the rtm didn't choose to show the first parts of the last two sets.. they showed the remaining games of when chen hong was already leading 10-4 in the 2nd, and then 10-1 in the 3rd; times when there was almost no chances of a comeback from lin dan. and there's cai/fu match. again the win was helped on by lars/ jonas's numerous mistakes. what happened? they weren't so jittery against alven/luluk the day before.... but i have to say, the danes' defending skills are way above par. the way they could still get the shuttle across even when the opponents' shotss were at sharp angles .. WHOO!