Hello, my players need help and advice regarding their play, So I went to Badminton Central for help. Any Advice is welcomed and will be used to help them improve their game play. Our players are wearing black shirts and their is a game 2 also. Thank you Game 1 Game 2
They can learn how to play a netshot return of serve. This will force the opponent to lift. One of your players is still technically quite weak. Unable to use a backhand grip and straight arm forehand lift. Also lift the shuttle higher sometimes if they decide to hit the shuttle upwards when receiving serve. You notice sometimes the shuttle gets hit back to them nearly into their faces because they have no time to defend. A lot of experience would help.
From my point of view, they should practice more on returning fast on raising their hand up, the way to make them faster, gives more shuttle multi-drilling to them while ask them to raise their elbow to the highest point to generate the pace. Furthermore, they should learn finger power and also some wrist power. This will increase their power of holding the racquet to generate the power with pace. Last but not least, train more and get more experience by take part competition will help too. Hope it helps your students. Cheers.