100 Ways To Have Broken Your Racket!!! T_t

Discussion in 'Broken Rackets' started by chrisnchips, Apr 26, 2010.

  1. Yoppy

    Yoppy Regular Member

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Hit it onto your partner head

    My partner in accidently smashed me in the head with his racket and his his racket broke to pieces. The whole hall starting to run around to get some ice pack while im being treated like a fallen soldier. The side of my head just above the left ear was swallen big, but luckily no bloody thing happening.

    What happend was, i was at the net and hit a drive down the middle and my opponent double hit the shuttle but managed to return the bird. At that point, the ref called the point and i let myself stand straight. But my apparently my partner missed the whole story and thought that the bird is still in play, so at half court he smashed as hard as he can and hit both the bird and me. Now me and my partner joked around that YY racket is not as strong as my head :D

    BWT we still managed to get into SF with my dizzy head going around
  2. Yoppy

    Yoppy Regular Member

    Jun 17, 2009
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    Do 3 x jump smash

    It happend last week; again with the same partner i was on the net and managed to get a nice net shot/drop, and hence my opponent lifted the bird high to the back where my partner was ready to smash. Ane jump high and smash (1st time) and the bird was return high again so my partner smash again (2nd time) and this time the bird was returned to the net, so i net back and the bird was flying high again. For the 3rd times in a row he smashed again, then there was a sound like a string has broken. My partner said "oh my string is sbapped" as soon as he said that the bird came back driving to the middle, so he had no option but to hit back. Once the play was over for the point, he looked at the racket and realised it was not his string that was broken but actually there is a long crack on the shaft just above the cone. The racket is RIP :D
  3. pBmMalaysia

    pBmMalaysia Regular Member

    Dec 15, 2009
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    badminton coach
    Kuching, Malaysia, Malaysia
    'you break mine, i break yours'

    this is a true story.

    2 guys came out of the court to continue their argument and

    both of them holding their racket with the frame missing.

    from their argument one could find out during their game earlier

    the first one trying hard to retrieve a drop shot but before he could

    his partner also dashed to the front and stepped on his racket while hitting the bird.

    that caused the first one to be off balance and flung himself forward

    and he also stepped on a racket, his partner's!

    seeing those two players sizes, there is no reason one step would not break any racket!

    and of course the off balance speed they could have! lol
  4. Dorythefish

    Dorythefish Regular Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    British Columbia
    stupid enough to lend my precious 9900 to my friend! i still don't know if they can fix it!! OMG this is the worst day

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