<a href="http://static.youku.com/v1.0.0201/v/swf/loader.swf?VideoIDS=XMzMxNDUxNjg0&embedid=ODAuMS4y MTQuNDYCODI4NjI5MjECAg%3D%3D" target="_blank">[video]http://player.youku.com/player.php/sid/XMzMxNDUxNjg0/v.swf[/video]
That ball was ON the line! Chalk flew up! It was clearly in! How can you possibly call that out? Gotta love John McEnroe. And yes that call was pretty pathetic. It's not like it was a 300kph smash coming down on the line, that I'd give more leeway to the line judge for.
Yeah, that's one of them most infamous incidents involving KOR "patriotic" line judges. Even the commentators were stunned by the call (listen to it on the replay). Blatant cheating at its best (or worst?)