I see the result of the WD FINAL is GAO/HUAGN beat yang/zhang in the IBF website.But Someone said yang/zhang beat GAO/HUAGN! Who has seen the TV LIVE?and please tell me who win ?
im pretty sure gao/huang won even tho i didn't watch the match... according to chinabadminton.com and today's newspapers, gao/huang bt yang/zhang in straight sets
But according to the Star (of Malaysia), it is the reverse. The top-seeds were beaten. Confusing indeed!
To make things more interesting, worldbadminton.net shows a photo of Yang/Zhang holding the Championship Cheque
I was in the stadium, but I was sleeping on my seat during most of the women's doubles. It was very boring, plus I was tired from cheering for CW Lee. I think they weren't playing seriously. I am 100% sure Yang/Zhang won it. I don't know how they could have messed up the result.
The IBF website said "The top seeds toppled compatriots Yang Wei and Zhang Jiewen – although confusion arose when the runners-up were pictured with the winner’s cheque on the podium afterwards" So,the champion is exactly GAO/HUANG! But why yang/zang lift the winner’s cheque?only joking?
Yang/Zhang lifted the winners cheque because they won!!! Don't know why IBF website made that mistake, but Gao/Huang were never in the game (I think Gao was too tired after the mixed doubles). Yang/Zhang won convincingly that day.