Awesome news..... Was Sameer injured??? Why has the former national champion's rank fallen down so low???
MS - Sameer verma(india) vs Sai Praneeth (india) WS - Sabrina Jacquet(switzerland) vs supanida Katethong(thailand) XD - Ronan laber/emilie lefel (france) vs Aparna/Arun (india) MD - KKK/TBH (Mal) vs Kah/Yao(mal) WD - Pradnya/Sikkireddy (india) vs Chaladchalam/pahataimas (thailand) Congratulations to all the finalists
Scores also amazing for Sameer. He has beaten Malaysian player soo tech zhi with the scoreline 21-15, 21-9 , whereas his compatriot Sai Praneeth had to battle all the way with unknown malaysian player 21-15,18-21,21-19. I think he concentrated on his studies. May be financial issues to take part in the tournaments. His family is a middle class family (i read somewhere).
The great Syed Modi was middle class too.... Saurabh's brother was an even better prospect, then vanished all of a sudden....
Oops.... Saurabh/Sameer confusion... So the young one is in final... Good news.... What happend to Sourabh the National Champ in that case??
If sameer goes like this, he will be given chance to participate in tournaments. Hope he captures the title. He has defeated Hans Kristian Vittinghus in 2 straight games in India Open Superseries this year (whom srikanth struggles to defeat in 2 games yet)
He is in low profile in recent tournaments. Not doing well. Concentration lapse? He was one who defeated Peter gade in his home ground (that was his final match of her career)
[MENTION=121998]Lokesh[/MENTION] Yes, well done to all finalists. The news from SriLanka is better than Indonesia. India has a chance to grab some titles with MS in the bag. Hope Sameer Verma gets more opportunities.
We will win all 3 hopefully.... All SAARC countries (except you know which) should host IC and IS events annual; it will be a big boost to our youngsters.... BAI should take the lead and help organise such tournaments in Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Maldives; It will save our tier 2 players a lot of money.
[MENTION=122085]Fan123[/MENTION], Yes, more local tournaments will be a boost. Bangladesh is part of the IC events, Dec 1-5 I don't think our players are sent to IS events. They need to plan and send out a lot of players.