Twitter is about to be usurped by Google and/or Facebook. I hope Twitter stays just the same as a single pte entity, just like Mixi in Japan, Renren in China, Odnoklassniki in Russia. I just love tweets! Google, please oh please stick with your own Buzz and leave Twitter alone. Same goes to Facebook.
I thought we now have 766 BCers on BC Facebook . I am confused. Are you saying that we now have 502 BCers on our BC Facebook? Looking at our BC Front Page, I thought we now have 766 BCers on BC Facebook. .
BCers increased by 264 Facebook members in 3-and-a-half-months? . For BCers to increase by 264 Facebook members (in 3-and-a-half-months) is quite incredible, when our BC Facebook started some 5 years ago; .
chris-ccc, I think tweeting and re-tweeting is more like BC forums than Facebook, Facebook and alternative photography section seems at corssroads. joking.
I think tweeting and re-tweeting is more like BC forums . I will still communicate via BadmintonCentral because I haven't got used to tweeting yet. Question: Will our BC be less active when more people start tweeting? .
I think not, they can co-exist and it's better too (tweeting @twitter) for the on-the-go people who's always hopping airports WHILST a BadmintonCentral fanatic! ...with FB, it's a deterrent for on-the-go guys because the tendency is to stick and peruse the pics and all ''that'' other stuff...kind of takes more time to communicate/exchange info in a swift manner quite unlike twitter, imo. (Don't get me wrong, I used both; LinkedIn too for biz.).
hi everyone! i just joined bc and i was wondering if any of you guys are in seoul, korea right now...i just arrived 2 weeks ago and will be doing a clinical fellowship at seoul national university hospital for 1 year.... i'm looking for people to play with and a court to play in... i'm staying near sillim station at line #2 near boramae park
Welcome to BadmintonCentral! Here is the subforum for places to play and people to play with in Korea (and Japan):
Let's list more places to play for all our BCers . It's great isn't it? ; when club/group organisers at BC are welcoming all our BCers to play at their venues. Let's list more places to play for all our BCers. .
BC facebook fans have exceeded 1,000 fans . Yes, I have been watching the number of our BC facebook fans growing steadily. It's growing like one per hour since the facebook social plugin has been added to our Forum front page. As I type, we now have 1,007 fans. .