Msia Open News from Press/Other Media

Discussion in 'Malaysia Open 2008' started by eaglehelang, Jan 3, 2008.

  1. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Run-up to Malaysia Open, Media News
    Instead of the news being spread out in all over the threads, Put up any news you get from media about Msia Open, not necessary from Msia, also from other countries.

    3 Jan 2008
    Harian Metro
    Koo/Tan tumpu Terbuka Malaysia

    Oleh Sufian Thauri Muhammed

    BERBEKALKAN status selaku beregu nombor satu dunia, Tan Boon Heong dan Koo Kien Keat sepatutnya sudah memikirkan peluang merangkul pingat di Sukan Olimpik 2008, tetapi buat ketika ini mereka mengambil pendekatan berbeza.

    Boon Heong menyifatkan terlalu awal untuk memikirkan Olimpik ketika ini dan tumpuan mereka lebih terarah kepada usaha mempertahankan kejuaraan pada Terbuka Malaysia, 15 Januari ini.

    "Lebih baik jika kami tidak terlalu memikirkan mengenai Olimpik kerana kami mempunyai misi yang tidak kurang penting di Terbuka Malaysia.

    "Saya tidak mahu kerana terlalu memikirkan Olimpik, fokus kami terhadap usaha mempertahankan kejuaraan di Terbuka Malaysia terjejas," katanya.

    Terbuka Malaysia adalah salah satu daripada enam kejohanan yang dimenangi Boon Heong-Kien Keat tahun lalu selepas mula digandingkan pada 2006.

    Selain Terbuka Malaysia, mereka memenangi Seluruh England, Terbuka Switzerland, Filipina, Macau dan Denmark.

    Prestasi cemerlang itu meletakkan mereka sebagai pilihan utama untuk memenangi Terbuka Malaysia yang mampu memberikan sejumlah besar mata kelayakan Olimpik, namun Boon Heong mengakui kedudukan itu membuatkannya sedikit tertekan.

    "Apabila berada di ranking nombor satu dunia, sudah pasti harapan peminat tempatan untuk melihat kami mempertahankan kejuaraan lebih tinggi.

    "Bermain di hadapan mereka, kami perlu memberikan persembahan terbaik.

    "Saya juga belum dapat meramalkan peluang kami, tetapi gambarannya lebih jelas jika kami melepasi pusingan pertama nanti," katanya.

    Andai berjaya melangkah ke final, Kien Keat-Boon Heong dijangka menentang juara dunia yang juga pilihan kedua, Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan dari Indonesia, tetapi sebelum itu mereka perlu mengatasi cabaran sengit di pusingan awal.

    Mereka dijangka bertemu sama ada beregu handalan China, Fu Haifeng-Cai Yun atau gandingan pemain Indonesia dan Amerika Syarikat, Candra Wijaya-Tony Gunawan di separuh akhir.

    Sebelum itu di suku akhir, mereka mungkin berhadapan sama ada rakan senegara, Choong Tan Fook-Lee Wan Wah; beregu Korea, Jung Jae Sung-Lee Yong Dae dan Lee Jae Jin-Hwang Ji Man atau pasangan Denmark, Jens Eriksen-Martin Lundgaard Hansen.

    "Laluan kami tidak mudah, tetapi prestasi baik sepanjang latihan sejak tiga minggu lalu memberikan keyakinan kepada kami dalam usaha mempertahankan kejuaraan. Tahap kecergasan kami juga semakin baik.

    "Lagipun kami berazam untuk melayakkan diri ke final kerana sudah lama tidak beraksi di peringkat itu dengan kali terakhir di Terbuka Denmark, Oktober lalu," katanya.

    Sementara itu, peluang jaguh perseorangan lelaki negara, Lee Chong Wei untuk mengungguli acaranya dilihat cerah susulan ketiadaan pemain nombor satu dunia, Lin Dan dari China.

    Begitupun, dia masih perlu menangani cabaran pemain China lain seperti Bao Chunlai, Chen Jin dan Chen Yu selain dua jaguh Denmark, Peter Gade Christensen dan Kenneth Jonassen serta pemain Indonesia, Sony Dwi Kuncoro dan Taufik Hidayat.

    Rough Translation (means just the main points, not accurate line by line)
    This is intv with TBH
    As the World No 1 pair, TBH & KKK supposed to be thinking of winning medals in OG 2008, but this time they are taking a different approach.

    TBH considers it too early to think about OG, efforts are more to defending their title at MO this Jan 15.

    " I do not want to think too much about OG until our efforts in defending the MO title is effected"- TBH

    List of KKK/TBH achievements

    Their achievements has made KKK/TBH the top seeds to win the title but TBH admits it makes him feel a bit pressured.

    "When we World no 1 pair, of course the home fans' hopes are higher to see us win. Playing in front of home crowd, we must give our best."
    "I havent been able to predict our chances, but will be clearer after we clear the 1st round."

    "Our path(to finals) is not easy but our performance has been good in training these 3 weeks. It gives us confidence to defend the title. Our fitness has also improved."

    "We are determined to reach the finals because has been long time since we last did so at Denmark Open, last Oct."

    If they manage to reach finals, they are expected to meet current World Champs Kido/Setiawan but face stiff competition in the early rounds.

    QF : will either meet CTF/LWW, Korean pairs Lee/Jung, Lee/Hwang or Denmark's JE/ML
    SemiF : Meet either Fu/Cai or Tony/Chandra

    List of LCW's draw
  2. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    from the star Online

    3 Jan 2008
    On the draws
    Badminton: Malaysian has Taufik and Christensen for company

    [​IMG] PETALING JAYA: Chinese shuttlers Bao Chunlai and Chen Jin (pic) are not in the same half of the draw as Malaysian Open top seed Lee Chong Wei but there is little relief for the Malaysian, who is in the same quarter as Indonesian ace Taufik Hidayat.

    Chong Wei faces a tricky challenge in the season-opening Super Series event at the Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil from Jan 15-20.

    He has team-mate Mohd Hafiz Hashim as his first-round opponent and it will be the third time that the duo will clash in a Super Series tournament. In the inaugural Series last year, Chong Wei lost to Hafiz in Singapore but avenged the defeat in Japan.

    If Chong Wei, who is now ranked second in the world, clears the first round, he is likely to have Poland’s Przemyslaw Wacha as his next opponent before the quarter-finals.

    World number one Lin Dan of China is the only top shuttler giving the tournament a miss and Chong Wei is looking at regaining the title that he had won thrice before losing to Chunlai in the quarter-finals last year.

    Chong Wei has regained his form after a brief slump and has not lost in the early rounds since winning the Indonesian Open last year. He also emerged as champion in the Super Series events in Japan and France.

    Also in the half as Chong Wei are top Dane Peter-Gade Christensen and Chen Yu of China.

    Another all-Malaysian first-round battle will see veteran Mohd Roslin Hashim taking on KLRC Bhd’s Sairul Amar Ayob with the winner likely to play against Christensen.

    Former Malaysian number one Wong Choong Hann also has the luck of the draw against him. He has a first-round match against former world number one Chen Hong of China. If he wins, he faces second seed Chunlai in the next round.
    Yeoh Kay Bin opens his campaign against third seed Chen Jin.

    In the women’s singles, China Open champion Wong Mew Choo faces team-mate Julia Wong in the first round and she has in her quarter top seed Xie Xingfang of China. Also in the same half is reigning world champion Zhu Lin. Mew Choo beat both the Chinese players in the China Open last November.

    The top seeded men’s doubles pair of Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong, who are also the title holders, face the possibility of meeting team-mates Choong Tan Fook-Lee Wan Wah in the quarter-finals.

    In the same half as Kien Keat-Boon Heong are former world champions Fu Haifeng-Cai Yun of China, who are the third seeds, and Japanese Shuichi Sakamoto-Shintaro Ikeda, who beat the top Malaysian pair in the quarter-finals of the World Championships last year.

    The third ranked Malaysian pair of Mohd Fairuzizuan Mohd Tazari-Mohd Zakry Latif are seeking to boost their chances of qualifying for the Beijing Olympics in August but they could not have asked for a worse draw than having to face top Indonesians Luluk Hadiyanto-Alvent Yulianto in the first round.
    If they survive the opening match, they will be up against the formidable Indonesian-American combination of Candra Wijaya-Tony Gunawan.
  3. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    from Utusan Malaysia

    Intv with Rexy & TBH
    Rexy tagih sokongan - Buruan emas Olimpik Beijing 2008


    KUALA LUMPUR – Jurulatih beregu lelaki Malaysia, Rexy Mainaky mengajak rakyat Malaysia bersama-sama memberikan sokongan padu kepada pasangan beregu negara Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong yang diletakkan harapan untuk merangkul pingat emas pertama negara pada Sukan Olimpik di Beijing tahun ini.

    Menurut Rexy, kedua-dua pasangan itu sedang berusaha keras untuk berada di kemuncak prestasi menjelang temasya sukan tersebut yang hanya tinggal lapan bulan sahaja.

    MD coach Rexy, asks all Malaysian to unite together and give full support to KKK/TBH, who are hoped to win the country's 1st gold in OG 2008

    Rexy says the duo are working hard to stay at the top for the upcoming OG, only 8 months left.

    ‘‘Peluang mereka untuk mendapatkan pingat emas memang ada iaitu antara 50 hingga 55 peratus tetapi saya minta semua pihak jangan terlalu memberi tekanan kepada mereka sebaliknya memberi sokongan yang positif,’’ katanya yang ditemui Utusan Malaysia, semalam.

    Kata Rexy, segala tekanan akan datang dalam tempoh lapan bulan ini dan meminta semua pihak jangan memberikan impak negatif jika pasangan itu gagal berikutan usia mereka yang masih muda.

    "Their chance to obtain gold is between 50-55% but I ask all parties not to give too much pressure to them but give positive support."
    All the pressure will come these 8 months and ask all parties not to give -ve impact to the young pair should they fail.

    ‘‘Saya amat berbesar hati dengan harapan yang diletakkan oleh Majlis Sukan Negara (MSN) dan saya yakin semua pemain badminton negara juga mempunyai cita-cita untuk berjaya di Sukan Olimpik nanti.

    ‘‘Tetapi jangan sampai ia menjadi satu tekanan kepada pemain yang mungkin akan menyebabkan mereka gagal dalam perebutan pingat di Beijing,’’ jelasnya.
    Rexy berkata, pemain yang menerima terlalu banyak tekanan terutama pemain muda akan mudah berasa panik dan apabila menjadi panik permainan akan sedikit terganggu.

    " I am very glad(?) with the hope put by NSC and I am confident all shuttlers also aspire to be succesfull in the OG.
    "But dont let it be a form of pressure to the players that will cause them to fail in the medal chase in Beijing." Players that are too pressured esp young players will easily panic. When players panic, their game is a bit effected.

    Menurutnya, perkara yang paling utama ialah menjaga fokus pemain terutama Koo Kien Kiat-Tan Boon Heong tidak lari pada landasannya.

    ‘‘Saya juga sentiasa mengawal mereka berdua agar tidak terlalu besar kepala dan menasihatkan mereka sentiasa mengekalkan prestasi sepanjang tempoh lapan bulan yang genting ini,’’ tegasnya.

    Rexy juga amat berpuas hati dengan komitmen yang diberikan kepada pasangan beregu nombor satu dunia itu terutama Tan Boon Heong yang sudah memiliki komitmen dalam latihan.

    Rexy says one of the most important factor is to take care of the player's focus so it wont venture off the tracks, esp KKK/TBH

    "I also always control them (doesnt sound right this translation) so they wouldnt be big headed & advise them to keep up their performance throughout these 8 months."

    Rexy is also very satisfied with the commitment given the duo esp TBH who has commitment in training.

    Dalam pada itu, Rexy juga tidak memandang rendah terhadap kemampuan pasangan beregu veteran negara Chong Tan Fook-Lee Wan Wah kerana mereka juga mampu menggalas cabaran negara pada temasya itu kelak.

    ‘‘Pasangan veteran ini ibarat ‘kuda tua’ maknanya saya perlu menjaga mereka agar tidak cedera jika tidak cedera mereka mampu bermain dengan cemerlang,’’ kata Rexy.

    On the other hand, Rexy doesnt look down on capabilities of CTF/LWW cos they also able to give a challenge in OG.
    "This veteran pair is like old horses, I need to take care of them so they dont get injured. If not injured they can play excellently."

    Mengenai satu lagi pasangan beregu muda Mohd. Zakry Latif-Mohd Fairuzizuan Tazari pula Rexy menyifatkan mereka mempunyai peluang untuk melakukan kejutan.

    ‘‘Kalau kita tengok di Sukan Olimpik pemain yang tiada diberi pilihan (underdog) tidak mempunyai sebarang tekanan dan ini mungkin akan memberi sedikit kelebihan kepada mereka,’’ kata pemenang pingat emas di Sukan Olimpik 1996 di Atlanta itu.

    The other young pair, Zakry/Fairuz, Rexy said they have the opportunity to do an upset. " If we see in OG, players who are underdog dont have pressure and maybe this gives them an advantage."

    Sementara itu, pasangan beregu negara Tan Boon Heong dan Koo Kien Kiat berkata, peluang mereka untuk memenangi pingat emas di Beijing memang ada tetapi jangan terlalu memberi tekanan untuk merealisasikan impian itu.

    ‘‘Saya dan Koo (Koo Kien Kiat) perlu mengawal segala tekanan dan harapan yang diletakkan agar tidak mengganggu prestasi kami ketika latihan dan kejohanan yang akan datang,’’ kata Tan Boon Heong.

    Katanya, bagi menghilangkan segala tekanan tumpuan terhadap Sukan Olimpik tidak perlu difikir lagi apa yang penting ialah fokus terhadap kejohanan yang terdekat seperti Terbuka Malaysia.

    ‘‘Saya tidak mahu peristiwa seperti di Kejohanan Dunia berlaku lagi iaitu tekanan menyebabkan kami gagal untuk menjadi juara,’’ jelasnya.

    TBH said there is chance to win OG but dont give too much pressure to realize the dream.
    "KKK & myself need to control all the presure and high hopes so it wont effect our performance during training & tournaments."
    In order to dispel the pressure, not thinking about OG yet but focused on upcoming tournament MO.
    "I dont want incident like World Champ 2007 to happen again, when pressure had caused us to fail in becoming champion."

    Ditanya mengenai halangan utama di Sukan Olimpik Tan berkata, semua pemain beregu yang menyertai kejohanan tersebut adalah halangan mereka kerana pemain yang berjaya ke temasya tersebut adalah di kalangan yang terbaik.

    ‘‘Beregu Indonesia (Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan) dan China (Fu Heifeng-Chai Yun) akan menjadi halangan utama tetapi beregu lain juga tidak harus dipandang mudah,’’ katanya

    When asked who are their main obstacles in OG, TBH said all pairs cos all pairs in OG are the best.
    "Kido/Setiawan & Fu/Cai are main obstable but other pairs also cannot be taken lightly."

    Sorry about the translation alternating with the original. It's faster & easier for me to read and type that way - couldnt print out the article. Feel free to correct any errors in translating.

    This will be food for thought for Pemuda. Even the coach says dont put too much pressure.:)
  4. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    from NST, 4 Jan 2008
    Badminton: Fearing the underdogs
    By : K.M. Boopathy

    Zakry Latif (left) and Fairuzizuan Tazari are among the lower ranked pairs to have beaten Kien Keat-Boon Heong.

    THERE is always danger in the unknown and this is what World No 1 Koo Kien Keat-Tan Boon Heong are worried about as the run-up to the Beijing Olympics begins with the Malaysia Open on Jan 15-20.
    The world's other leading pairs don't worry Kien Keat-Boon Heong anymore but what they fear are those ranked much lower, and for a good reason.

    Their recent defeats have been mostly at the hands of pairs ranked in the 10-20 bracket and the Malaysians are desperate to erase this aspect of their game.

    Some have said the defeats are due to arrogance but both deny this.

    "We have always done well against the top eight pairs but have often stumbled against lower ranked opponents. We have to avoid this if we want to retain the Malaysia Open crown," said Kien Keat yesterday.
    The pair have a fantastic record against the likes of World No 2 Markis Kido-Hendra Setiawan of Indonesia, China's World No 3 Fu Haifeng-Cai Yun, Indonesian-American pair and World No 4 Candra Wijaya-Tony Gunawan and World No 6 Jung Jae Sung-Lee Yong Dae of South Korea.

    But humbling defeats, among others, have been suffered against the likes of Shintaro Ikeda-Shuichi Sakamoto in last year's World Championships quarter-finals and to compatriots Choong Tan Fook-Lee Wan Wah and Zakry Latif-Fairuzizuan Tazari, who are not really in Kien Keat-Boon Heong's class.

    In fact, the Malaysians lost seven times to much lower ranked pairs last year.

    Boon Heong said their success rate over the other top pairs is because their opponents are always under pressure against them but the lower ranked pairs have always capitalised on the advantage of being underdogs.

    "When we started last year, we were the underdogs and started beating top pairs but it is exactly the opposite now," said Boon Heong.

    "Our main rivals are always under pressure to beat us and that makes our jobs easier.

    "However, we have prepared well over the last two months and I am looking forward to a good performance in the Malaysia Open."

    Kien Keat echoed his partner.

    "We cannot take the lower ranked pairs for granted and we will be cautious after stumbling against them several times last year.

    "Our objective is to win at least two tournaments before the Beijing Olympics (in August) which will be the priority
  5. tjl_vanguard

    tjl_vanguard Regular Member

    Sep 24, 2006
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    Kuching, Malaysia
    u r basically collectin all da news from all sorts of papers n paste here.. haha
  6. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    :D Yup, me knows, me knows. Some news have so many threads we can post to, dont know which one to post it, so easier to put all in one.
  7. Jessica

    Jessica Regular Member

    May 29, 2006
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    The Star Online

    Badminton: Chong Ming eyeing the glory trail again

    [​IMG] Glorious past: Chew Choon Eng (left) and Chan Chong Ming with their 2002 Asian Games bronze medal. The same year they also won the Commonwealth Games doubles gold medal. The duo, who split up in 2004, are back together for this month’s Malaysia Open.
    KUALA LUMPUR: Former national doubles star Chan Chong Ming has made a quick return from retirement to renew a partnership with Chew Choon Eng.
    The duo, who were ranked as the world's number one pair briefly in 2002, will feature in the Malaysian Open, which will be held from Jan 15-20 at the Putra Stadium in Bukit Jalil, under the sponsorship of sports equipment firm Victor.
    Two months ago, Chong Ming ended a 14-year journey with the Badminton Association of Malaysia (BAM), saying that his time was up in playing competitive international badminton. He now has had a change of heart and has decided to grab the chance to be reunited with his former partner.
    “I missed playing badminton at the competitive level. My former partner and good friend, Choon Eng, threw the idea of getting back together,” said the 27-year-old Chong Ming.
    “And I jumped at it immediately. Yes, we still think that we can compliment each other well and challenge the other pairs on the world circuit.”
    The Chong Ming-Choon Eng partnership was split after the 2004 Athens Olympics. Chong Ming went on to pair up with Koo Kien Keat and Hoon Thien How before he left the BAM. And Choon Eng, who did not have a regular partner, eventually left the national team in 2005.
    Chong Ming, who will tie the knot with his long-time girlfriend Janice Lee on Sunday, said that he had good memories of his partnership with Choon Eng between 2000 and 2004.
    “2002 was our best year. We won the Japan Open and a gold medal in the Manchester Commonwealth Games. We were the runners-up in the China and Denmark Opens. We are giving ourselves another shot at bringing back some of the glory days,” he said.
    Chong Ming-Choon Eng thanked Victor for reviving their partnership. Yesterday, they were given the green light by the BAM to spar with the national players under the charge of Rexy Mainaky.
    Said Choon Eng: “They (Victor) will provide the funds for us to compete in international tournaments. What's more important is that they believe in us and we appreciate that.”
    In the Malaysian Open, Chong Ming-Choon Eng will have to beat Indonesians Bona Septano-Ahsan Mohd of Indonesia in the qualifying tournament to get a place in the main draw.
    “Our aim is to get among the top 16 in the world by end of this year. But we will not be rushing into things,” added Choon Eng.
  8. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
    Likes Received:
    ^^Whoah..^^ quick ar, a re-partnership for CCM and CCE!:eek:..I think only ants knows about this news...:p;)
  9. ants

    ants Regular Member

    Jul 19, 2002
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    Entrepreneur , Modern Nomad
    Malaysian Citizen of the World
    Hahaha how u know ah?
  10. Oldhand

    Oldhand Moderator

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Broadcast Systems Integration
    This is very good news for both Malaysia and badminton :)
    These guys were very good when they were on the pro circuit.

    Can they beat the newer pairs with their old skills? ;)
  11. ctjcad

    ctjcad Regular Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    *gulp*:eek:...after all these yrs, in BC, who else would know such infos other than...........yoooou:); literally, you're the only BC "connection" with the M'sian players.....:p;)
  12. ants

    ants Regular Member

    Jul 19, 2002
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    Entrepreneur , Modern Nomad
    Malaysian Citizen of the World
    Based on their sessions with the guys... i think CCM/CCE will give them a run on their money.
  13. badMania

    badMania Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Hong Kong
    Interesting to know that Chan Chong Ming will be only 28 yo this year.....just 2 years older than Hendra A. Gunawan (26 yo this year) :eek:

    Meanwhile, Chew Choon Eng will be 32 this year, and he's only 3 weeks older than me :rolleyes:
  14. badMania

    badMania Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Hong Kong
    Bona Septano/Mohd Ahsan will have a tough match in store, facing Chan Chong Ming/Chew Choon Eng in the Qualifying Round :mad: Probably the tie of the round.
  15. george@chongwei

    george@chongwei Regular Member

    Jul 12, 2007
    Likes Received:
    wow, CCM and CCE repartner again..
    thats a good news...
    hope they can play very well and give some pair a run for their money..
  16. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Likes Received:
    from Utusan Msia

    4 Jan 2008

    Lin Dan bukan halangan – Chong Wei - Ranking ‘panas’ nombor satu


    KUALA LUMPUR – Jaguh badminton negara, Lee Chong Wei menegaskan, dia tidak takut kepada Lin Dan atau pemain-pemain China yang lain dan akan membuktikannya dengan merampas gelaran nombor satu dunia tahun ini.

    Juara Terbuka Indonesia, Jepun, Perancis dan Filipina itu percaya, peluangnya untuk merampas kedudukan teratas daripada Lin Dan adalah cerah jika berjaya mengekalkan aksi konsisten sepanjang tahun.

    Pemain nombor dua dunia itu berharap kempennya dapat bermula dengan positif, iaitu dengan merampas kembali kejuaraan Terbuka Malaysia yang akan berlangsung di Stadium Putra, Bukit Jalil pada 15-20 Januari ini.

    Selain dapat mengukuhkan kedudukan dalam ranking dunia, memenangi kejohanan pembuka tirai 2008 itu juga akan motivasi paling sempurna sebelum menghadapi cabaran Sukan Olimpik di Beijing, Ogos ini.

    “Saya percaya peluang untuk kembali bergelar pemain nombor satu dunia pada 2008 adalah baik jika saya dapat mengekalkan prestasi dan bermain konsisten, dan saya tidak pernah ragu tentang kemampuan untuk merampasnya.

    ‘‘Memenangi Terbuka Malaysia, yang akan menjadi pembuka tirai tahun baru merupakan langkah paling positif untuk memulakan kempen, saya akan cuba melakukannya di depan peminat sendiri,’’ katanya, semalam.

    Bagaimanapun Chong Wei menegaskan, peluangnya untuk merampas kejuaraan yang dimenangi pada 2004, 2005 dan 2006 itu bukan dipermudahkan kerana ketiadaan juara dunia, Lin Dan.

    Katanya, penyertaan Lin Dan sememangnya menjadikan saingan semakin sengit, namun dia bukanlah pemain yang digeruni atau cuba untuk dielakkan.
    “Saya tidak lega Lin Dan tidak bertanding pada Terbuka Malaysia kerana saya tidak pernah kisah sama ada dia beraksi atau tidak. Saya tidak takut dan tidak cuba mengelakkan daripada bertemu dengannya.

    “Pada saya, ada ramai lagi pemain yang bagus selain Lin Dan. Jadi, cabaran tetap sukar apabila pemain seperti Bao Chunlai, Chen Jin, Chen Yu atau Peter Gade beraksi. Apa pun, saya tidak gentar berdepan mana-mana pemain, terutama dari China,’’ katanya lagi.

    Meski pun memasang hajat besar untuk merampas kedudukan teratas dunia, selain mengidamkan pingat emas Olimpik, Chong Wei bagaimanapun
    menegaskan dia tidak mahu terlalu ghairah dalam menetapkan sasaran.

    Katanya, dia tidak mahu kesilapan Kejohanan Dunia berulang, di mana dia meletakkan tekanan melampau kepada diri sendiri dan akhirnya, dia bukan saja gagal merangkul kejuaraan, malah tersingkir pada pusingan ketiga kepada pemain Indonesia, Sony Dwi Kuncoro.

    “Saya hanya mahu mengambil setiap perlawanan satu demi satu. Saya tidak mahu menganggap diri sebagai pilihan, meski pun saya diletakkan sebagai pemain pilihan dalam mana-mana kejohanan sekali pun.

    “Pada Terbuka Malaysia, saya akan turun sebagai pilihan pertama tetapi saya mahu beraksi sebagai underdog, termasuk apabila bertemu Hafiz (Hashim) di pusingan pertama. Lagi pun, dia juga pernah kalahkan saya pada Terbuka Belanda tahun lalu, jadi memang wajar kalau saya anggap dia juga pemain pilihan,’’ katanya.

    Chong Wei juga berkata, dia sedar ketika ini semua topik yang dibincangkan peminat sukan tanah air tertumpu kepada impian memburu emas Olimpik, di mana badminton menjadi sandaran utama.

    Bagaimanapun, dia tidak mahu memberikan tekanan kepada diri sendiri dengan menganggap emas Olimpik adalah segala-galanya, sedang kan dia juga mempunyai banyak cabaran lain untuk difikirkan, termasuk Piala Thomas yang akan berlangsung di Jakarta, Mei ini.

    “Sekarang ini saya tidak mahu bercakap langsung mengenai menang emas Olimpik, saya cuma rasa ia belum masanya. Saya hanya berminat untuk bercakap bagaimana hendak melayakkan diri ke Beijing, yang lain nanti dulu,’’ katanya.

    Jika berjaya melepasi cabaran Hafiz pada pusingan pertama Terbuka Malaysia, Chong Wei dijangka menentang juara Olimpik, Taufik Hidayat di suku akhir sebelum menentang penyandang juara, Peter Gade dari Denmark di separuh akhir.

    This is interview with LCW. Translation will done later, or you all can do it. Looks like things are heating up to Msia Open.
  17. eaglehelang

    eaglehelang Regular Member

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Btw, do CCE/CCM have a coach or train by themselves and spar with national squad? Sorry, I'm not familiar with Victor's setup.
  18. CLELY

    CLELY Regular Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    From above news, looks like LCW has double target in this year -- replace LD as the World Number One and reach Beijing Gold. Based on 2007 achievement, it can say LCW is the most potential threat to disrupt China MS domination recently.
  19. Dreamzz

    Dreamzz Regular Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    London & Penang

    my understanding was that CCM has retired.
  20. badMania

    badMania Regular Member

    Jul 3, 2005
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    Hong Kong
    Retired from the national squad, but rejoins club (KLRC).

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