haha..of cos iso head! haha...bigger ss and better feel ehehehehehe....wonder if yonex can make a racket head as big as a tennis racket head...so i'm able to catch some smash
Ovals are definetly not getting much love in the badminton world as of late. It seems like all the new stuff is iso only. :crying:
Even Carlton (the benchmark of moden ovals) has jumped onto the isometric bandwagon! Its a marketing trick (aimed at bluejeff and his Iso Slim 10s). Iso's break more easily than ovals. When we replace them, we end up buying the next model up...in multiple quantities
To be honest... for the life of me, I still can't tell the difference between Iso and Oval in terms of power, both hit fine for me, I can't tell wether it is a bigger sweet spot for the Iso or not, I mishit with both... hmm.. must really be a bad player.. heh heh.
I used both....... carbonex 30ms armortect 700 I only got two rackets....... :crying: :crying: :crying:
Oval shape carbonate rackets doesn't generate the feel and power and the speed, whereas ISO TI etc... generate high impact, fast speed and the feel which may be advantage. I'm changing to ArmorAce now. Making shots more power as I whack hard with carbonate but not much effect were done.
Personally i prefer isometric shaped racket. For me , i think it is very good in control and the same time the sweetspot is larger.
I was using traditional shape (oval) with good precision. Tested and switched to Isometric - reason: it just gave the edge of minimizing bad shots
Oval rackets give me a SOLID feel that an ISO rackets can't. Just wonder if Yonex will make any new Oval rackets in the future????
We hope they do... come on yonex, make a cab22 and cab20L equivelent!! They're simply amazing stuff!!
After trying in a week (two training hours/day) with a new La Fleche Ti 500 3U ISO head (which I has just bought in bbesports shop at Beijing, China), I really observe that it provide with a bit less power in comparison my CAB MS 30 3U.Both are stringing in the same : BG 68 Ti, 24pls.
Agreed with you. Oval shape racquet provide more solid feel during smashing althought its sweetspot is smaller. Iso did provide bigger sweetspot but until now I still can't convince myself that it give me the solid feel.
Yeah... I know, and pigs can fly... Actually I was hoping that the clonex companies would make those cab22 and cab20L clones.
but guys, how about small iso frame (looks more triangle if compare to square iso)?? any comment about this?
Isometrics are always my first choice. The only benefit of ovals is the slower loss of tension which I do not worth it.