These CHN fans making a mountain out of a mole hill. He will be up and running tomorrow and bulldoze anyone on his path until Sunday to collect his 2nd title.
Please read our posts carefully. Nobody said he's injured, we don't know, not sure. First, dieter_spath posted the picture and wondered out loud with 5 question marks '?????'. Second, msitpro said he didn't like the look of 'that massive ice pack on LD's left knee' and not his knee itself, and added 'hopefully just precautionary after a slight tweak'. Third, originally I wasn't even sure it's LD and requested for the latest news, and later wrote 'If he's injured...'. Anyway, thanks for your concern, assurance and undoubted confidence in Lin Dan.
I think we should take note of the younger, newer players who upset the older,more established players. The former being Pham Cao Cuong, Wang Tzu Wei,and Hwang Jong Soo. ice pack on knees are common pratice for pro athelte to protect their kneessome of them prefer to tap around the knee because there are no nearby facilities or they prefer to stay near court sidefootballers, usually go for ice bath
I realize you may know this already but Hwang Jong Soo is new, but not young. He is, in fact, the oldest singles player on the Korean national team, about two months older than Son Wan Ho. He was runner-up at the Hwasun International Challenge in 2009 but he did not stay on the national team.
Thanks again for the clarification hau-ge, and that's definitely an eye opener. Having the benefit of various visa agreement tends to makes one forget what ridiculous hoops one sometimes needs to do to secure visas....The invitations tidbits is definitely interesting though. Never realized that it plays such an important roles in securing player's visa and just put another layer of complexity, where incompetent national badminton organization could seriously jeopardize visiting player's chance for a visa.
Porntip is sent packed by Lee Jang Mi. 21-13 / 21-4 for LD to advance, the Chinese ace will meet Wei Nan tomorrow who successfully eliminated Lee Dong Keun.
No mercy from Lin Dan... outstanding! 21-13-21-4 And this Liu Kai what a propsect! defeating Kento Momota and the in red hot form derek wong ! splendid!!
sorry for later reply. I'm sure it's LD because this picture taken by a fan and posted on the He also got a LD's signature after yesterday's match. But I was not sure if LD got injured, because in some cases, athletes use the ice bag just for protection.Now, I think LD's okay because he won so easily today. But I really don't look forward to see any pictures like this.
Sorry, I'm still unable to 'reply with quote', and when I clicked 'Like', it returned '...invalid response from server' though refreshing the page settles it.
damn! No livestream, No livescore!they just let players quietly finish their matches. Thinking about korean line judges, I smell a sense of conspiracy. haha
I've more or less ceased to be easily impressed by non-CHN players performing outstandingly against CHN top guns unless they continue to do well against other non-CHN players in future. The 27-yr-old Pai Hsiao Ma, born 7th May 1986, lost to Nozomi Okuhara last week at the NZ Open GP tamely, 15-21,5-21, and was stretched to three close sets against Yang Li Lian yesterday. I also recall Nichaon Jindapon playing inspired badminton in a three-set encounter before going down to LXR recently but then in the next two tournaments she was defeated first by Bae YJ and followed by Sung JY here. I'd be prudent and adopt a wait-and-see attitude.
European C'ships is much more organized, the livescore and livestreaming are available while BAC is only updated result