I'm going on Thursday and possible the weekend if I get time off work. It should be a cracker this year. Kindest regards, -Ajay- Quote of the Day The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.
Congratulations to you fellows. Please take plenty of pictures and post lots of stories of the proceedings .... on and off-court. Thanks in advance.
first pro tournament?? you have been deprived!! I lament the passing of the old venue of the HK Open. It was the last Superseries where the fans could really be close to the best players in the world. Nowadays, everybody is at least 20metres away from the action, even for the premier seats in the superseries. Enjoy yourselves and bring back more stories and photos!!
UUmmm, i think we will not allowed to taking pictures at the court. there is statement no photo in my ticket, huhuhuhu
Alas I'm not going this year. If you are in the arena then no photos full stop. The last time I went two years ago the security were over zealous, you only needed to look like you were using your phone for a video / photo and they would come up and moan at you. That didn't stop people trying (and succeeding) though. It just depends on how lucky you are. However elsewhere is fine, you are more likely to see the players up close and personal outside the venue anyway. The photo thing is very annoying, there's no BWF law (or indeed actual UK law) against taking photos with no flash at the venue, it is just a venue rule. Especially as photos were allowed at the Commonwealth games and Scottish open. But not the London GP gold, Olympics or world championships in London in 2011. Indeed England in general is very anti photo at the moment compared with other European countries, but that's a whole other debate I guess you will all just have to enjoy the badminton and let the pros take the photos
I'll still find em - I did last year ;o) And last year they relaxed a little on the photos as long as the flash was off - who knows what the AE Photo Police will be like this year!
I'd settle for the south entrance not being blocked off, personally - the canal's nice and all, but not when it's p*ssing it down and you just want to watch the baddy...
Small cameras were allowed at '11 WC, SLRs were banned. They had a poster at the entrance to show what were allowed and what were banned. Banning SLR is reasonable since the organizers do have the rights to commercial photos. However, CSCs are so powerful these days, it may be hard to police what cameras are allowed or not.