M/Q Report version 1 (updated 6th February 2015) => http://www.bwfbadminton.org/file.aspx?id=617289&dl=1 DRAW date : 17th February 2015 From the entry list, it's strong line-up for MS, WS and XD categories, some CHN players have been registered their names such as Wang Yihan, Sun Yu, Tian Houwei, Lu Kai/Huang Yaqiong, etc. while KOR shuttlers skip this GP Gold.
DRAW as released through BWF website : http://www.bwfbadminton.org/file.aspx?id=619273&dl=1 Tricky first round test for third seed Tommy Sugiarto who will take on CHN youngster Xue Song.
livestreaming from tomorrow evening (i guess they start with Men's Singles first round main draw) from all 4 courts via http://www.swissopen.com/de/aktuell/live-streaming/ !!
Hats off to the Swiss Open organizer. All the SS/PSS organizers should take a leaf out of the Swiss Open's book.
They were the pioneers in this regard. They had been doing this for years. But last year, it was discontinued due to some issues (broadcast rights?). Glad to hear that they are doing this again.
I don't know but Icuk is too busy doing politics, I think he would make a bad coach. I have a feeling it would be Hayom who will make it to Olympics. I hope there is an Indonesian junior who will go to Olympics too rather than Tommy or Simon.
overview stream already on: http://livevideo.infomaniak.com/iframe.php?stream=overview&name=overview&player=2162
What a bummer with the Swiss streaming! Raise hope and then crush it. Luckily, BWF's live stream is on again: http://new.livestream.com/bwfbadminton/gpgbasel2015court2