More on that wild MD finish.. the aftermath.. More on that thrilling last MD encounter of the night..
Taufik's t-shirt on sale.. ..yes, they're finally there..although i only notice 1 design.. Taufik's THL t-shirt on sale: alrighty folks, that's all for now...
the latest batch is awesome!!! a lovely mix of different timing, composition, and different postures. Chris' badminton skill has really advanced in the past few tournaments! love the look for the 85/1.2. what camera body are you using?
Badminton skillz???.. ler, my baddy skillz are still rated as F... Actually credit must be given to my good & diligent partner in crime, Daylightkiller. He was the one who captured pictures from Day 3, 4 and today's pics (which will be up shortly). *I'm just the one posting them up.. I think it's best to ask him how and what experiences he gained from this endeavor.. Btw, for some reason, we just realized the auto focusing speed of the 85mm/1.2 is not as fast as the 200mm/1.8. The 200mm/1.8 is bar none, hands down & no doubt about it still the fastest AF lens in the business. As for baddy photog secrets. Unlike in badminton, where skills, desire and attitude are more important than equipments, sports photog, IMO, still relies 70% on equipment, 10% on position, 10% on lighting condition and 10% on luck. ..yep, as confirmed by another very reliable source, he (Casey) is the grandson from the Yoneyama (Yonex Corp.) patriarch.. anyway, rest of today's pics will be up in a bit..
Day 5 Mixed Doubles Semifinals pics.. ..alrighty, we're back to using our fave lens...sorry, a bit late.. XD
few more of these I'm not shooting everyone, only people I find interesting so sorry bare with me people
trying to get all those shots in I think I'm getting all those figure shots I should really get a facial shot but I dunno.......
more photos seems the canon is clearer....I dunno what I'm doing wrong...maybe the way I downsize is wrong, because in raw or max format my pictures are clear
more US Open pics I used to think monopod is easier on me but I find the movement is limited so I no longer use monopod, I use left arm....